Singing Guide: Mario

Singing Guide: Mario

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to sing like Mario

If you're a fan of Nintendo's mascot plumber and want to learn how to sing like him, you're in luck! While Mario's voice is certainly unique, there are a few key techniques you can work on to improve your singing in a way that mirrors his vocal style and abilities. Here are some tips, exercises, and Singing Carrots resources to help you along the way.

1. Improve Your Pitch Accuracy

Mario's singing voice is famous for being incredibly on-pitch, with a distinctive "up-and-down" quality that really stands out. To improve your own pitch accuracy and emulate this vocal style, start by taking Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test to get a baseline understanding of your current skill level. From there, practice singing along with simple melodies, like nursery rhymes or TV theme songs, and try to match the original pitch as closely as possible. As you gain confidence and accuracy, you can move on to more complex songs and vocal exercises.

2. Work on Your Breath Control

Another key element of Mario's singing voice is his breath control. He's able to sustain long notes and hit high pitches without running out of air, thanks to a combination of good posture, active breathing, and breath support. You can start improving your breath control and stamina with Singing Carrots' Pitch Training game, which features interactive warm-ups and exercises designed to build your lung capacity and muscle memory. Additionally, check out Singing Carrots' articles on Breath Support and Breathing Basics for more tips on how to improve your breathing while singing.

3. Develop Your Chest Voice

Mario's singing voice is known for being bright, bold, and full of energy, which is partly due to his mastery of chest voice. This is the register of your voice that's most comfortable to speak or sing in, and it tends to be deeper and richer than falsetto or head voice. To improve your chest voice and achieve a similar sound to Mario's, work on Singing Carrots' Pitch Training exercises for chest voice, and practice singing along with songs that have a similar range and style to the Mario theme song. Make sure to keep your mouth and throat open, as detailed in Singing Carrot's article on Opening Mouth and Throat While Singing, to achieve the rich timbre and resonance of chest voice.

4. Sing with Emotion and Intention

One of the most important aspects of Mario's singing is the sheer enthusiasm and joy he brings to every performance. To capture this same spirit in your own singing, focus on singing with emotion and intention. Think about the message and meaning of each song you sing and try to convey that through your vocal inflection, facial expressions, and body language. Work on Singing Carrots' exercises for Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking, and check out Singing Carrots' article on Tips for Performing on Stage for more practical advice on how to connect with your audience while singing.

Songs to Practice

To really capture the essence of Mario's singing style, it can be helpful to practice singing some of his most iconic songs. Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • "Jump Up, Super Star!" from Super Mario Odyssey
  • "Do the Mario" from The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!
  • "It's-a Me, Mario!" from Super Mario 64

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.