Singing Guide: Marillion

Singing Guide: Marillion

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Marillion: A Beginner's Guide

Marillion is a British progressive rock band formed in 1979. Their unique sound has brought them a dedicated following over the years, thanks to the powerful and emotive vocals of lead singer Steve Hogarth. In this guide, we'll explore Hogarth's distinctive vocal style and provide tips and resources to help you learn to sing like him.

Understanding Steve Hogarth's Vocal Technique

Steve Hogarth's vocals are characterized by their emotive power, dynamic range, and impressive control. To sing like him, it's important to understand his vocal technique.

One of Hogarth's signature techniques is his use of "breathy" vocals, where he creates a whispery effect that adds an emotional depth to his performance. To achieve this sound, try singing through your teeth, which will break up the air and create a breathy effect. You can also experiment with lowering your larynx and slightly constricting your vocal cords to achieve a similar sound.

Another key aspect of Hogarth's vocal style is his dynamic range. He can go from a whispery falsetto to a powerful, belting chorus in a matter of seconds. To achieve this, it's important to strengthen your core muscles and practice your breathing exercises regularly.

Finally, Hogarth is known for his incredible vocal control, which allows him to hold long notes and add subtle variations to his singing. To achieve this, practice singing slowly and deliberately, aiming for perfect pitch and tone control.

Songs to Showcase Steve Hogarth's Vocals

To truly appreciate Steve Hogarth's vocal stylings, it's important to listen to some of Marillion's most iconic songs. Here are a few to get you started:

  • "Kayleigh": This song starts with a breathy, whispery verse before building to a powerful chorus. Focus on using your breath to create a similar effect.
  • "Easter": This song showcases Hogarth's dynamic range, with a gentle, melodic opening verse that builds to a powerful chorus. Practice your breathing exercises to match his level of control.
  • "Afraid of Sunlight": This ballad showcases Hogarth's emotive power, with a haunting melody that will give you chills. Focus on your tone control to achieve a similar effect.

Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots offers a range of resources that can help you learn to sing like Steve Hogarth. Here are a few that we recommend:

  • Vocal range test: Use this tool to determine your vocal range and compare it to Hogarth's.
  • Pitch accuracy test: Hogarth is known for his pitch-perfect performances, so use this tool to practice your own pitch accuracy.
  • Vocal Pitch Monitor: Use this tool to see your sung notes on a virtual piano and practice your pitch accuracy.
  • Pitch Training: This tool offers interactive vocal warm-ups and exercises for range and agility.
  • Search songs: Use the song search feature to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

We hope this guide helps you learn to sing like Steve Hogarth and appreciate the unique vocal stylings of Marillion.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.