Singing Guide: Magic!

Singing Guide: Magic!

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

In this article, we will be discussing how to learn singing like Whitney Houston. Whitney Houston is widely regarded as one of the greatest singers of all time, with her powerful voice and emotional delivery capturing audiences worldwide. In order to learn singing like Whitney Houston, we need to focus on two key areas: vocal technique and song choice.

Vocal Technique

Whitney Houston was famous for her incredible vocal range and control. She was able to effortlessly switch between different registers and hit high notes with ease. To learn to sing like Whitney, we need to focus on the following vocal techniques:

  • Breath Support: Whitney Houston's powerful voice was supported by her ability to control her breath. This allowed her to sustain long notes and sing complex phrases without running out of air. To improve your breath support, you can try Singing Carrots' Breath Support article.
  • Vocal Registers: Whitney Houston was able to move seamlessly between her chest voice and her head voice, allowing her to hit both high and low notes with ease. Understanding how to use these different registers is key to learning to sing like Whitney. You can learn more about vocal registers on Singing Carrots' Voice Registers & Vocal Break article.
  • Pitch Control: Whitney Houston was a master at staying in pitch, even while hitting extremely high notes. To improve your pitch control, you can use Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test and Pitch Training tool.
  • Emotional Delivery: Whitney Houston was known for her ability to convey emotion through her singing, making her performances truly unforgettable. To practice emotional delivery, you can try Singing Carrots' Tips for Performing on Stage article.

Song Choice

Whitney Houston's songbook is full of powerful ballads and upbeat hits that showcase her incredible vocal range and emotional delivery. Some of her most famous songs include "I Will Always Love You," "Saving All My Love for You," "Greatest Love of All," and "I Wanna Dance with Somebody." While these songs can be challenging to sing, practicing with them will help you develop the skills needed to sing like Whitney Houston.


To sum up, learning to sing like Whitney Houston requires a lot of hard work and dedication. By focusing on vocal technique and song choice, you can start to develop the skills needed to captivate audiences like Whitney Houston did. Remember to take advantage of Singing Carrots' resources, such as their educational singing course and their vocal range test, to help you on your singing journey. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.