Singing Guide: MAJOR.

Singing Guide: MAJOR.

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing like MAJOR.

MAJOR. is a contemporary American singer who has successfully entered the R&B genre with his powerful and expressive high-pitched voice. He is known for his unique singing technique and has been recognized as a role model for aspiring singers.

To sing like MAJOR., you need to develop your vocal range, especially in the high-pitched areas. Watch his live performances and listen closely to the way he executes his runs and vibrato. It will help you get acquainted with his style and help you to mimic his technique.

Some of MAJOR.'s signature songs include "Why I love You," "Honest," and "Better with You in It," all of which showcase his unique vocal abilities. By practicing these songs, you will learn to perfect the challenging pitches while developing your vocal range.

Here are some tips to aid your journey in learning:

  1. Breathing: Breathing is a crucial element in singing, and proper breathing techniques can help you hit challenging notes more easily. Singing Carrots' article on breath support can help you learn about the basics of active and passive breathing, and how to control your breath while singing.
  2. Warm-ups and exercises: Warm-up exercises can help you improve your breathing and strengthen your vocal cords, which are essential when attempting high notes. Check out Singing Carrots' Vocal Pitch Monitor for interactive warm-ups and pitch training exercises to improve your singing.
  3. Vocal Registers: Even though the majority of MAJOR.'s singing style falls under the higher register, he also incorporates a lower register to create a fuller and more comprehensive sound. Singing Carrots has an article on Voice Registers and Vocal Break that can help you understand how your voice transitions from one register to another.
  4. Vibrato: Vibrato is the natural and repeated variation of a pitch when singing and is often used to add depth and emotion to a singer's performance. Singing Carrots' article on singing with Vibrato can guide you through exercises that will help you control your vibrato while singing.
  5. Posture: Your posture can affect your singing since it helps regulate your breath flow. Singing Carrots' article on how posture affects your singing can help you learn how to maintain an appropriate singing posture.

By following these tips and utilizing the various Singing Carrots tools, particularly the article and reference videos, you can work towards singing like MAJOR. With dedication and practice, you can master the art and stand out like MAJOR.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.