Singing Guide: Kathie Lee Gifford

Singing Guide: Kathie Lee Gifford

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Kathie Lee Gifford is a renowned American singer, songwriter, and TV host. She is known for her powerful, smooth, and emotional voice, which she uses in her performances to effectively convey the emotions of the songs. Her vocal technique is unique and with the right guidance, aspiring singers can learn how to sing like her.

To learn how to sing like Kathie Lee Gifford, it's vital to understand the following components of her vocal technique:

  1. Vocal Range:
    • Kathie Lee has a broad vocal range that spans from alto to soprano. Her voice has a rich, full-bodied sound in the lower range and a clear, ringing quality in the higher range. To determine your vocal range, take Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test and compare your results with Kathie Leeā€™s.
  2. Breath Control:
    • Breath control is an essential part of Kathie Lee's singing. Good breath control ensures that notes are sustained correctly and that you donā€™t strain your vocal cords. To learn more about breath control, explore Singing Carrots' Breath Support article and Farinelli Breathing video exercise.
  3. Vocal Registers:
    • Kathie Lee uses a combination of vocal registers, including chest voice, mixed voice, and head voice. She has a smooth transition between registers, allowing her to move freely between notes in her vocal range. To practice your chest voice and understand the difference between chest voice and head voice, watch Singing Carrotsā€™ Chest Voice Explained video exercise and Singing in Head Voice section of the Voice Registers & Vocal Break article.
  4. Dynamics:
    • Kathie Lee is a master of dynamics, a technique that involves varying the loudness and softness of your voice. This technique allows you to create a sense of emotion and depth in your singing performance. To improve your dynamics, explore Singing Carrots' Sustain Vocal video exercise.
  5. Emotion:

Here are some of Kathie Leeā€™s famous songs that showcase her unique vocal style:

  1. Love Never Fails
  2. He Saw Jesus
  3. Feel the Light
  4. In the Garden
  5. Love Never Lost

To learn how to sing like Kathy Lee Gifford, it's essential to have an understanding of her style, technique, and the complexity of her vocals. With Singing Carrots' Pitch Training, Vocal Range Test, Vocal Pitch Monitor, Search songs, and Educational singing course, you will have the tools needed to practice and improve your singing ability, from breath control to singing with emotion. Remember that it takes time and dedication to develop vocal skills, but with practice, you can learn how to sing like the greats, including Kathie Lee Gifford.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.