Singing Guide: Goldenhorse

Singing Guide: Goldenhorse

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Goldenhorse is a New Zealand band that gained popularity in the early to mid-2000s. Their lead vocalist, Kirsten Morrell, has a unique vocal style with a pure yet slightly husky tone that sets her apart from most singers. In this article, we will focus on how to learn singing like Kirsten Morrell.

  1. Understand your voice and your vocal range. Singing Carrots offers a Vocal Range Test that can help you determine your range and compare it to famous singers. Knowing your range will help you choose songs that match your voice and allow you to focus on developing your unique sound and style.

  2. Master mixing your head and chest voice, which can be tricky. Singing Carrots offers various articles on voice registers and vocal breaks to help you understand and master mixing your head and chest voice, as well as how to extend your vocal range.

  3. Practice Kirsten Morrell's most notable song "Maybe Tomorrow" to enhance your skills and develop your unique sound. Singing Carrots has a Song Search feature that can help you find similar songs to practice, fitting your vocal range, genre preferences, and difficulty level.

  4. Learn breathing correctly, which is crucial in developing your singing skills. Singing Carrots has various articles offering advice on breathing techniques, such as Active and Passive Breathing, Breath Support, and Respiration. These articles also provide various breathing exercises to get you started on improving your breath control and capacity.

  5. Articulation is a crucial aspect of delivering a great vocal performance. To learn how to sing with excellent articulation, Singing Carrots has an excellent article on Articulation, providing practical tips on how to exercise your mouth muscles and correctly sound out words within a song.

  6. Learn to perform songs with feeling and interpret lyrics for a more significant impact. Singing Carrots has an article on Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking, which can help you achieve this goal.

In conclusion, singing like Kirsten Morrell requires an understanding of your range, breathing techniques, vocal registers, and the ability to mix head and chest voice. Singing Carrots offers various articles, videos, and tools to enhance your singing skills and enable you to imitate Kirsten Morrell's unique sound. Practice diligently and use the available resources to develop your vocal sound and style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.