Singing Guide: Firefall

Singing Guide: Firefall

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you ready to learn how to sing like the legendary soft rock band Firefall? Getting started is easy, just follow these three simple steps and you'll be harmonizing like they do in no time!

  1. Master Unison Singing Techniques: The thing that truly sets Firefall apart is their incredible unison singing abilities. Firmly establishing the unison singing and reinforcing it with the harmony is what gives Firefall its unique sound. Focus on sharp intonation, attacking the notes together and singing as one.

  2. Focus on Breath Control: A great singer has to be an expert at controlling their breath. Breath control is the key to supporting notes and creating beautiful tones. Focus on the intensity of your breath, the rhythm of your inhales and exhales, as well as your posture. You can check our breathing basics article for further guidance.

  3. Learn Firefall's Classic Songs: Firefall has released a number of classic songs over the years, each with their own unique vocal techniques and style. Their most famous song, "You Are The Woman", offers an excellent showcase of their harmony and unison talent. For a little bit of a challenge, try singing the harmony of "Strange Way." Other great songs to practice with include "Just Remember I Love You", "Goodbye, I Love You" and "Cinderella."

Once you've started to develop your skills as a Firefall-style vocalist, you can further improve your craft by using Singing Carrots. Our vocal range test can help you identify the ideal vocal range for you, and the pitch accuracy test can help you fine-tune your harmonizing abilities. The vocal pitch monitor can help you improve your technical skills, while the Pitch Training gaming app offers a fun way to increase pitch accuracy and agility.

Additionally, our song search enables you to find songs with your vocal range and genre preferences. Our artist vocal ranges section offers insight into the vocal ranges of over 5000 famous artists, including those of the members of Firefall. You might also benefit from Singing Carrot's singing course, a comprehensive 21-lesson program covering singing theory and practical tips.

Start with these simple steps and soon you'll be singing like Firefall. Let us know how you get on!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.