Singing Guide: Eddy Grant

Singing Guide: Eddy Grant

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing like Eddy Grant

Eddy Grant, born in Guyana and raised in the UK, is a singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. His unique blend of reggae, funk, and soul has made him a successful and influential artist. In this article, we will explore Eddy Grant's unique vocal technique and how to learn singing like him.

Vocal Technique

Eddy Grant's singing style is characterized by his smooth and soulful voice, which is often punctuated by his trademark high-pitched scream. One of the key aspects of Grant's vocal technique is his use of vibrato, which adds a unique and distinctive quality to his singing. To learn how to sing like Eddy Grant, it is important to focus on developing your vibrato technique.

Another important aspect of Grant's vocal technique is his use of falsetto, which he uses to create a sense of height in his singing. Falsetto singing requires a good vocal range, so it's important to work on extending your vocal range through exercises like the Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test.

Eddy Grant's Songs

To really hone your singing skills in the style of Eddy Grant, it's important to study his music. Here are some of his most iconic songs to get you started:

  • "Electric Avenue" - This funky and infectious song is perhaps Eddy Grant's most well-known hit. It's a great song for practicing your vibrato and falsetto techniques.
  • "Gimme Hope Jo'anna" - This upbeat and catchy song is a great showcase for Eddy Grant's unique vocal style. Focus on his use of vibrato and falsetto to help you learn to sing like him.
  • "Walking on Sunshine" - While this song was originally recorded by Katrina and the Waves, Eddy Grant's funky reggae cover version is a perfect example of how he puts his own spin on popular songs.

Singing Carrots Resources

The Singing Carrots platform offers many resources to help you learn how to sing like Eddy Grant. Here are some of our top picks:

  • The Singing Carrots Vocal Pitch Monitor is a great tool for developing your vibrato technique. You can see the notes you sing on a virtual piano and analyze your pitch accuracy in real-time.
  • The Singing Carrots Pitch Training module is a fun and interactive way to improve your pitch and help you gain greater control over your vocal technique.
  • The Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test will help you identify your vocal range, just like we've done with many famous singers, and compare it with others. This will give you an idea of where you need to focus your practice.

Practical Advice

In addition to developing your vibrato and falsetto techniques and studying Eddy Grant's music, there are some other practical steps you can take to learn how to sing like him. Here are a few tips:

  • Focus on your breathing. Proper breath support is crucial for good singing, so spend some time practicing breathing exercises like those we've covered in the Singing Carrots breathing articles.
  • Warm up before singing. Vocal warm-ups are essential for preparing your voice before a singing session. Try some of the Singing Carrots exercises like the Farinelli Breathing or 3 Minute Warm Up.
  • Sing with emotion. Eddy Grant is renowned for the passion he injects into his music, so it's important to try to replicate that emotion while you sing. This can take some practice and experimentation, but with time and effort, you'll be able to sing with greater feeling and expression.

In conclusion, Eddy Grant is a unique and talented singer and songwriter, whose music offers a wealth of valuable lessons for aspiring singers. By studying his voice and music and using the Singing Carrots resources, you can learn how to sing like Eddy Grant and develop your own distinctive vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.