Singing Guide: Dua Lipa feat. DaBaby

Singing Guide: Dua Lipa feat. DaBaby

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you a fan of Dua Lipa's work? If so, you might be interested in learning how to sing like her. Dua Lipa is known for her unique vocal technique, which allows her to hit high notes with ease and sing songs with a wide range of emotions. To sing like Dua Lipa, it's important to analyze her voice and understand the techniques she uses to create her distinctive sound.

One of the most important techniques that Dua Lipa uses is breath control. To sing like her, it's important to develop your breath control so that you can maintain a consistent airflow while singing. Singing Carrots offers a variety of resources to help you develop your breath control, including the breath support article and the Farinelli Breathing Exercise video.

Another important technique that Dua Lipa uses is vocal resonance. She is able to create a full, rich sound by singing with an open mouth and throat. To sing like her, it's important to get comfortable with opening your mouth and throat while singing. Singing Carrots' Open mouth and throat article provides practical advice on how to improve your resonance.

Dua Lipa also uses vibrato to add emotion and style to her singing. Vibrato is a technique where a singer rapidly alternates between two pitches to create a subtle tremolo effect. Singing Carrots offers several videos to help you develop your vibrato, including the Beggars Bounce video and the Diaphragm Bounce video.

Once you've developed your vocal technique, the next step is to learn songs that showcase Dua Lipa's style. One of her most popular songs is "Levitating (feat. DaBaby)". This song showcases her ability to hit high notes with ease and add emotion to her singing. Singing Carrots' Search songs by vocal range tool can help you find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference.

To summarize, to sing like Dua Lipa, you should focus on developing your breath control, vocal resonance, and vibrato techniques using Singing Carrots' resources. Once you've developed your technique, you can practice singing songs that showcase Dua Lipa's style, such as "Levitating (feat. DaBaby)". Good luck on your singing journey!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.