Singing Guide: Dreamgirls

Singing Guide: Dreamgirls

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

"Dreamgirls" Vocal Technique

Dreamgirls' iconic vocals have been referenced and imitated time and time again. Their signature vocal style is characterized by power, range, and incredible vibrato.

It's an undeniable fact that the biggest element in developing a prominent vocal technique and singing range is proper breathing. Our breathing basics article can help you master this crucial element.

Additionally, the Dreamgirls' vocal range and agility are impressive. To identify your vocal classification, it is critical to take the Singing Carrots vocal range test. Once you've recognized your vocal type, you'll be able to warm up your voice correctly. Make sure to check out our program on pitch training to develop and improve your singing proficiency.

Dreamgirls' unique vocal techniques aren't just about hitting the high notes, it's about modulating breath to convey a story. We'll break down some examples.

Example: "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going"

Jennifer Holliday's performance of "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" is an iconic display of technical skill and feeling. Taking on this song requires substantial range and stamina, and voicing it requires an incredible amount of emotion.

This song stands out for its dynamic shifts. You'll first need to tap into your chest voice to nail the lower notes. Then, as you progress, build power with breath work to power through the high notes of the song.

Here's a tip: envision yourself narrating your story passionately and powerfully as you sing. It"ll drive that emotional intensity into your notes.

Example: "One Night Only"

The Dreamgirls' "One Night Only" is a classic "belt- it- out" song. Beyoncé's rendition of this song is powerhouse singing- pure and straightforward. To nail this song, it's essential to master both chest and mixed voice techniques.

Our beginner's course is an excellent resource to check out if you want to practice this skill.

Incorporating Dreamgirls' Vocal Techniques into Your Singing Style

Here are some practical tips and exercises to help you get started:

  • Check out our discovery tool, Artist Vocal Ranges, to find your vocal range and gain insight into your singing style preferences.
  • Start a vocal journal. Before your vocals warm-up, take note of how your voice feels. Monitor your change and progress, inspired by Dreamgirls' singing style and techniques.
  • Learn from Vocal Techniques that Dreamgirls Use. Practice vibrato and articulation exercises daily to enhance your vocal strength, agility, and pitch accuracy.
  • Expand Your Repertoire. Use the Song Book to find songs that fit your vocal range and preference and learn new pieces.
  • Practice Your Performance Skills. Check out our tips on how to overcome stage fright and performing on a stage.
  • Finally, take inspiration from Beyoncé, Jennifer Holliday, and other Dreamgirls to develop your unique vocal techniques while keeping the core elements of Dreamgirls' singing style.

By following these tips, you'll be one step closer to developing the distinct vocal abilities that define Dreamgirls' classic sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.