Singing Guide: Dragon

Singing Guide: Dragon

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Have you ever wondered how to sing like a dragon? If you have, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will explore the unique vocal technique of dragons, their preferred songs, and practical advice for aspiring dragon singers. If you want to learn how to sing like a dragon, keep reading!

To begin, it's important to note that dragons are mythical creatures, and as such, their vocal technique doesn't follow any known human singing technique. However, we can take inspiration from various dragon portrayals in popular culture, like Game of Thrones or How to Train Your Dragon.

One aspect that stands out in dragon vocalizations is their use of growling. To achieve a growling sound, we recommend the vocal distortion and growling exercise video provided by Singing Carrots. Another significant aspect of dragon singing is their impressive vocal range, which is often much broader than that of humans. The Vocal range test tool is your perfect ally for measuring your range and comparing your vocals with those of well-known singers.

In terms of songs, some of the best tunes for learning to sing like a dragon are those that feature soaring high notes and low growling moments, much like the dragon's flight characteristics. Some examples include "Dragon's Song" by Denean, "Dragonfly" by Gypsy Soul, and "Dragon Nights" by Martin Koppehele.

Of course, learning to sing like a dragon takes more than listening to songs and vocal exercises. Regular practice is fundamental to improving your voice and developing your technique. Singing Carrots' Pitch Training tool is excellent for improving pitch accuracy and vocal agility, while the Search songs tool can help you find songs that match your style and range.

Additionally, it's vital to learn proper breathing techniques to support your vocalization, as taught in the Breathing basics and Breath Support articles provided by Singing Carrots. Having good posture while singing, as described in the How posture affects your singing article, can also help you achieve a better sound.

In conclusion, learning to sing like a dragon is an exciting and challenging experience that requires dedication, practice, and a deep love for fantasy. With the help of Singing Carrots' resources and a willingness to learn, any aspiring dragon singer can take their voice to new heights and conquer the skies with their vocal might.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.