Singing Guide: Daley

Singing Guide: Daley

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Daley: A Step-by-Step Guide

Daley, known for his powerhouse vocals and soulful vibe, is an incredible artist to learn from. His impressive range and control are a result of years of training and practice. Whether you're an aspiring singer or just a fan of Daley's music, this guide will help you learn how to sing like him.

1. Analyze Your Voice

Before you can start singing like Daley, you need to know your own voice. Singing Carrot's How to Analyze Your Voice guide will help you understand your voice type and range, along with identifying your strengths and weaknesses. Make sure you do this before continuing to the next steps!

2. Master Daley’s Technique

Daley has an incredible vocal range which he uses to convey emotion and soul in his music. He is known for his mix of falsetto, head voice, and chest voice. Singing Carrot's guides on voice registers and vocal break, breath support, and open mouth and throat provide practical advice and exercises on how to master these techniques.

3. Practice the Right Songs

Daley's music is a perfect example of soulful and emotional singing. To learn how to sing like Daley, it's important to practice songs that showcase his technique and unique vocal stylings. Singing Carrot's song search tool allows you to filter results by vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. Pick a few songs that you enjoy and practice them daily to improve your voice.

4. Use Singing Carrots Tools

Singing Carrots offers a variety of tools to help you improve your singing. The Vocal range test identifies your vocal range and compares it to famous singers, while the Pitch accuracy test assesses your pitch accuracy. The Vocal Pitch Monitor shows your sung notes on a virtual piano. For vocal training, use Pitch Training, an interactive vocal warm-up, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility. Finally, the Singing Course is a 21-lesson program covering singing theory and practical tips.


Learning how to sing like Daley takes time and effort, but with the right technique, song choices, and practice, it's possible to achieve it. Make the most out of Singing Carrots' resources and tools, and never give up! Who knows, maybe one day you'll get a chance to perform alongside him.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.