Singing Guide: Cornershop

Singing Guide: Cornershop

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn to sing like Tjinder Singh from the indie-rock/electronica band Cornershop, you are in for a treat! Known for their multicultural influence and strings of worldwide hits in the 90s/early 2000s, Cornershop displays a plethora of inspirations from Indian pop to Jamaican dub and much more. Their music can be characterized by the electric blending of British rock and classical Asian music with drifting vocals, hypnotic beats, and seamless rhythms.

Tjinder Singh's unique approach to singing borrows from these various genres, ultimately creating a very distinctive vocal style. Here are some tips on how you can learn to sing like him:

  1. Focus on your diction: Cornershop's music is heavily influenced by different cultures, so Tjinder Singh's singing features various accents and pronunciations. Therefore, focusing on diction and accent is essential to sound like him. Check this article on articulation for techniques to improve your diction.

  2. Explore Your Range: Tjinder Singh's range is very wide, so developing and exploring your vocal range is essential to sound like him. You can use the vocal range test tool to find out your range.

  3. Breathing: Like any other quality singer, breathing exercises are essential to build and maintain a quality voice. Check this Breathing basics article and the Farinelli Breathing video to practice breathing.

  4. Pitch Training: Cornershop's music features a lot of harmonies and melodies that can be tricky to execute without proper pitch control. Use the Pitch accuracy test tool to work on your pitch accuracy, and Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game for exercises for range and agility.

  5. Listen to Cornershop's music: One of the best ways to learn how to sing like Tjinder Singh is to listen to Cornershop's music actively. Focus on how he sings the verses and choruses and take note of the pitch, tone, and diction he uses.

  6. Songs showcasing his range: Some songs that showcase Tjinder Singh's unique vocal abilities are "Brimful of Asha," "Good to Be on the Road Back Home Again," and "Sleep on the Left Side". Listening and singing along with these songs can help you learn and imitate his singing style.

  7. Practice "Twang" and "Belting": Tjinder Singh uses the twang technique and belting technique to sing his songs, which requires a mix of chest voice and head voice. Check out the How to Twang Exercise and the Mixed Voice video for practice.

By implementing these tips into your daily exercises and singing practice, you will be on your way to singing like Tjinder Singh in no time! And remember, Singing Carrots has numerous articles, exercises, and tools available to assist you in your singing journey.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.