Singing Guide: Cody Carnes & Brandon Lake

Singing Guide: Cody Carnes & Brandon Lake

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you ready to learn how to sing like Cody Carnes and Brandon Lake? These two Christian artists have unique vocal styles that are worth studying if you want to improve your singing techniques. They are known for their impressive vocal range, powerful voice projection, and emotive delivery. In this article, we will look into the key elements of their singing, tools to help improve your voice, and songs that showcase their styles.

First and foremost, you need to examine the basics of singing. Make sure you have taken the vocal range test and pitch accuracy test on Singing Carrots to identify your current level. In addition, browse through our selection of skill-related videos such as the Farinelli Breathing exercise, the Soft Palate exercise, and the Chest Voice Explained video, to get started. These tools can significantly enhance your overall singing ability.

When it comes to Carnes and Lake's unique vocal styles, two critical elements stand out: vibrato and emotive delivery. Vibrato is commonly used by both artists in their songs, which provides a resonant and full sound. In contrast, their emotive delivery brings the lyrics to life and enhances the listener's experience. They project an engaging presence, which captures the audience's attention.

Another necessary component of their singing styles is their voice registers. They use the chest and mixed voice to achieve smooth transitions between their voice registers, providing dynamic control over their vocals. They also demonstrate a vast range of vocal agility and have the ability to maintain vocal support throughout their singing. Aspiring singers seeking to learn from Carnes and Lake must focus on mastering these essential components.

Now it's time to start practicing and applying what you have learned. Check out the pitch-training tool on Singing Carrots to get more practice in controlling your pitch and range. Practicing the "How to Twang Exercise" and the "How to Growl Exercise" can help you develop the vocal distortion and heavy modal techniques that both artists use. These exercises will also help you with the chest voice techniques that the artists use in many of their songs.

Now that we've identified some critical components of their styles let's dive into their songs. One of the most popular tracks for Lake is "I Need A Ghost." This song highlights Lake's use of vibrato, and he projects a powerful, emotive delivery that showcases his vocal agility. On the other hand, Cody Carnes' song, "Nothing Else," is an excellent example of how emotive delivery can uplift a performance despite its simplicity. "Communion" is a great example for both artists' range and demonstrates how contrasting moods can complement each other in a dynamic performance.

In conclusion, mastering the basics, voice registers, emotive delivery, and vibrato are vital components for learning how to sing like Cody Carnes and Brandon Lake. Use our recommended resources and tools such as the pitch-training, range-test, and skill-related videos on Singing Carrots. Improve your singing by honing your skills with practice, and incorporate the techniques used by these two artists into your performance. Sing your songs with passion, and you will convey heartfelt emotions to your listeners. Catch the eye of Singing Carrots, and Who knows, it’s possible that you could be an upcoming feature on our website!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.