Singing Guide: Casey Corum
Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources
Casey Corum is an American worship leader, musician, producer, and songwriter. He's known for composing and producing numerous worship songs that have been sung worldwide, such as "Faithful", "Revelation Song", and "Heaven's Song" among many others. His unique vocal technique includes a powerful yet tender voice, a strong vibrato, and a captivating soulful delivery in his performances. In this article, we will provide you with a few tips and resources that should help you learn how to sing like Casey Corum.
Emulating Casey Corum's Vocal Technique
- Warm-up Your Voice
- Discover Your Vocal Range
- Practice Vibrato and Dynamics:
- Singing Key Songs
- Learn More About Contemporary Vocal Techniques
Warming up your voice can help you reach your full vocal potential and minimize the risk of vocal damage. Check out the Singing Carrots warm-up exercises videos, such as Farinelli Breathing, Humming Exercise, and 3 Minute Warm-up, to develop proper breathing and vocal control.
Casey Corum's vocal range is impressive, covering four octaves. You can discover your vocal range by taking Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test, which compares your vocal range with famous singers like Casey Corum.
Casey Corum has a powerful and controlled vibrato along with dynamic vocal performances. You can learn more on how to improve your vibrato using the following Singing Carrots videos: Beggars Bounce, Diaphragm Bounce. Additionally, you can improve your dynamic vocal control with Singing Carrots' Pitch Training tool.
Start by singing some of Casey Corum's key songs, like "Revelation Song," "Faithful," and "Jesus You're Beautiful." Pay attention to how he breathes, where he places the emphasis, when he modulates, what voice register he uses, and how he delivers his lines emotionally. Singing Carrots' Song Book can help you find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.
Casey Corum incorporates contemporary vocal techniques in his singing. You may find Singing Carrots' Contemporary Vocal Techniques blog post especially helpful.
- Vocal Range Test
- Pitch Training
- Farinelli Breathing
- Humming Exercise
- 3 Minute Warm-up
- Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce
- Contemporary Vocal Techniques
- Song Book
By following these practical tips and using the resources provided, you can learn to sing like Casey Corum and develop your unique vocal style to praise and share God's love through music.