Singing Guide: Bosse

Singing Guide: Bosse

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing like Bosse

Bosse is a German singer-songwriter known for his unique style that blends indie rock with electronic and folk music. He is admired for his emotive songwriting, explosive live performances and an exceptional vocal range.

If you want to learn to sing like Bosse, here are some tips and techniques to help you get started:


Before beginning vocal training, it's important to understand how Bosse uses his voice. Listen and analyze his distinctive vocal techniques:

  • He uses mixed voice to blend the registers and create a smooth transition between chest and head voice.
  • He has a distinct vibrato technique.
  • He uses vocal distortions, and growls to create more power and intensity in his voice.
  • He has an impressive range and uses it to express different emotions in his songs.

Vocal Techniques

Now that you have analyzed Bosse's vocal techniques, it's time to work on refining your own voice by practicing the following:

  • Practice breathing exercises regularly to improve your breath control and support.
  • Warm up your voice with exercises that target every register of your voice and work on transitions between the registers.
  • Learn to use mixed voice by practicing slides and scales that go from chest to head voice.
  • Use twang and growling to add more character and power to your voice.
  • Practice using vibrato naturally as a part of your singing.
  • Practice good posture while singing and pay attention to your mouth and throat being in a relaxed position.

Songs to Practice

Bosse has numerous songs that showcase his versatility and vocal range. Here are some popular tracks to help you practice:

  • Steine - This song showcases Bosse's emotional lyrics and impressive range.
  • So oder So - A fast-paced song with a rhythmic and upbeat chorus.
  • Augen zu Musik an - An energetic song with a mix of electronic and rock elements.
  • Hallo Hometown - A song with a catchy chorus that showcases vocal power.
  • Schönste Zeit - Known for its uplifting melody and powerful lyrics.

Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots offers multiple tools to help you improve your singing. Here are some that can be particularly helpful to those looking to learn to sing like Bosse:

  • Take the vocal range test to determine which songs you can practice in your vocal range.
  • Use the vocal pitch monitor to accurately measure your pitch and work on improving it.
  • The pitch training tool is perfect for working on pitch accuracy and agility.
  • Search for songs and artists using the vocal range filter on Singing Carrots to find songs that suit your voice.
  • Use the singing course to learn the fundamentals of singing and improve your techniques.

Remember, learning to sing like Bosse takes time and consistent practice. It's important to be patient with yourself and enjoy the process of enhancing your voice. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.