Singing Guide: B.E.R.

Singing Guide: B.E.R.

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Welcome to this article on how to learn singing like B.E.R, the American indie pop band known for their unique blend of 80s synth-pop and modern electronic soundscapes. B.E.R.'s music features dreamy vocals, catchy melodies, and nostalgic lyrics, making them a favorite among singer-songwriters and pop enthusiasts. In this guide, we'll explore B.E.R.'s vocal style and share some practical tips and resources to help you develop similar singing skills.

B.E.R.'s Vocal Technique

One of the defining features of B.E.R's vocals is their use of breathy falsetto. Falsetto is a singing technique that allows singers to reach higher notes by using a lighter, breathier tone than their full voice. In B.E.R.'s music, falsetto is often used to convey a sense of dreaminess and nostalgia. However, the band also employs a more grounded chest voice for lower notes and more impactful phrases.

Another vocal technique B.E.R. uses in their music is vibrato. Vibrato is a slight wavering of pitch that can add richness and depth to a singer's tone. B.E.R. often employs this technique during their vocal runs, especially during the climactic parts of their songs.

Practical Tips

  • Work on your falsetto. Although falsetto might feel unnatural or weak at first, keep practicing until you can produce clear and consistent notes without straining your voice.
  • Experiment with vibrato. Try practicing vocal exercises that focus on this technique, such as the Farinelli Breathing exercise or the Bounce diaphragm exercise.
  • Learn B.E.R.'s songs. Practice singing along to their music, paying attention to their use of falsetto, vibrato, and phrasing.
  • Take Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test and vocal range test. These tests can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a singer and tailor your practice to your specific needs.
  • Check out Singing Carrots' pitch training and singing courses. These educational tools can help you develop good vocal habits, train your ear, and improve your singing skills.


I hope this guide helps you develop your vocal skills and sing like B.E.R. Make sure to keep practicing regularly, and don't be afraid to experiment with your singing style. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.