Singing Guide: Anjani

Singing Guide: Anjani

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Anjani is a singer and songwriter, known for her unique blend of folk, jazz, and pop styles. Her breathy and understated vocal technique makes her music intimate and personal. In this article, we will explore Anjani's style and offer practical tips to help you learn to sing like her.

Discovering Anjani's Style

Anjani's style is characterized by her use of breathiness and understated phrasing. She often sings in a low register, giving her voice a warm and intimate quality. She also uses a lot of vibrato to add emotion and depth to her singing. Anjani's songs often feature a slow, simple melody that allows her voice to shine.

Tips to Sing Like Anjani

  • Focus on your breath: Anjani's breathy quality is a big part of her style. To emulate her sound, start by practicing your breath control. Make sure that you are breathing from your diaphragm and exhaling slowly and evenly.
  • Practice vibrato: Anjani uses vibrato to add warmth and depth to her singing. Practice adding vibrato to your own voice by alternating between a straight tone and a vibrato.
  • Sing in a lower register: Anjani often sings in a low register, which gives her voice a warm and intimate quality. Experiment with lowering your own vocal range and see how it changes the tone of your voice.
  • Explore understated phrasing: Anjani's phrasing is often understated and simple. Practice singing with minimal vibrato, and take your time with each note to convey emotion.

Anjani's Songs

If you want to learn to sing like Anjani, start by listening to some of her most popular songs. Here are a few songs that showcase her unique style:

  • "Blue Alert": This song features Anjani's breathy vocals and understated phrasing. Pay attention to how she uses vibrato to add emotion to the melody.
  • "Innermost Door": This song has a slow and simple melody that allows Anjani's voice to shine. Focus on how she uses her breath to create an intimate and personal sound.
  • "No One After You": This song is a great example of Anjani's use of vibrato. Take note of how she alternates between a straight tone and a vibrato to create a dynamic and emotional performance.

Singing Resources

To learn more about how to sing like Anjani, check out these resources from Singing Carrots:

By working on your breath control, tone, and phrasing, you can learn to sing like Anjani and create your own unique vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.