Singing Guide: All This and Heaven Too (1940)

Singing Guide: All This and Heaven Too (1940)

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're a fan of old Hollywood glamour and refined vocal technique, Bette Davis might be the right singer to learn. In her film "All This and Heaven Too" released in 1940, Davis portrays Henriette Deluzy-Desportes, a governess with a harrowing past that discovers love in an unexpected place.

When it comes to singing, Davis leans more toward speaking on pitch, emphasizing enunciation and storytelling. Her style may not be for everyone, but those looking to hone their theatrical skills can definitely take away some valuable lessons.

One thing that sets Davis apart is her effortless projection and use of breath. To achieve her level of control, it's important to develop a regular breathing and warm-up routine. Singing Carrots' Breathing basics and Farinelli Breathing exercises are excellent options.

In addition, articulation is crucial to really nail Davis' style. Check out Singing Carrots' Articulation article and Finger Bite video for tips on how to achieve precise enunciation.

When it comes to Davis' repertoire, "They're Either Too Young or Too Old" is a classic, peppy tune in her unique vocal style. Singing Carrots' Song search feature can help you find similar songs to "They're Either Too Young or Too Old" based on your vocal range and genre preference.

By practicing these techniques and tapping into the theatrical flair of Bette Davis, you'll be sure to get a lot of "zing" out of your singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.