Singing Guide: AWOLNATION

Singing Guide: AWOLNATION

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning the Singing Techniques of AWOLNATION

AWOLNATION is a one-man alternative band created by Aaron Bruno. The band is known for its electrifying live performances and a unique sound that fuses electronic and rock music. If you are someone who is inspired by AWOLNATION's music and wants to learn how to sing like Aaron Bruno, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss AWOLNATION's singing techniques and how you can master them.

Singing Techniques of Aaron Bruno

  1. Chest Voice: Aaron Bruno uses his chest voice extensively while singing. He sings in a full and rich tone that helps him hit high notes without straining his vocal cords. Chest voice is essential for anyone who wants to sing like AWOLNATION.
  2. Falsetto: Aaron Bruno also uses falsetto while singing. Falsetto is a technique in which a singer produces notes in a higher register. This technique adds a unique texture to AWOLNATION's music and helps Aaron Bruno hit high notes.
  3. Distortion: AWOLNATION's music often features distortion, which is a vocal technique that adds grit and texture to the voice. Aaron Bruno uses distortion to add intensity to his singing and create a harder-edged sound.
  4. Dynamics: Aaron Bruno varies his singing dynamics to create a more expressive vocal performance. By using a combination of soft and loud singing, he can create a range of emotions in his music.

How to Sing Like AWOLNATION

  1. Vocal Range Test: Before you start learning to sing like AWOLNATION, you need to determine your vocal range. Take advantage of Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test to determine your voice's range and compare it to Aaron Bruno's.
  2. Warm-Up Exercises: To sing like Aaron Bruno, you need to exercise your voice regularly. A good warm-up routine will help you avoid vocal strain and build the strength and flexibility you need to perform at your best. Singing Carrots' Farinelli Breathing Exercise is a great starter.
  3. Practice AWOLNATION Songs: Pick some of AWOLNATION's hits to practice your singing. Pay attention to Aaron Bruno's singing techniques and try to replicate them. Songs like "Sail," "Kill Your Heroes," and "Not Your Fault" are great for practicing AWOLNATION's vocal techniques.
  4. Register and Range Control: To sing like Aaron Bruno, you need to control your vocal register and range. Practice transitioning between chest voice and falsetto, and try to hit high notes without straining your vocal cords.
  5. Vibrato: Aaron Bruno's music often features vibrato, which is a technique that adds a natural wavering effect to the voice. Practice Singing Carrots' "Beggars Bounce" and "Diaphragm Bounce" exercises to develop a good vibrato.
  6. Performance Tips: To perform like Aaron Bruno, you need to focus on your stage presence and charisma. Singing Carrots' Stage Fright and Performance Tips articles are great reads for managing performance jitters.

Conclusion: If you want to sing like an AWOLNATION band member, you need to practice regularly. Focus on developing your chest voice, falsetto, distortion, and dynamics while paying attention to Aaron Bruno's singing style. By utilizing Singing Carrots' resources, you can build your vocal control, range, and performance to become the best AWOLNATION singer you can be!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.