Singing Guide: APO Hiking Society

Singing Guide: APO Hiking Society

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Singing Like the APO Hiking Society: Tips, Techniques, and Song Choices

The APO Hiking Society is one of the most iconic Filipino musical acts of all time. With hits like "Batang-bata Ka Pa" and "Ewan," this folk-pop group broke boundaries and helped define Filipino music in the 1970s and 1980s. To emulate the unique vocal style of this beloved singing group, here are some tips, techniques, song options, and Singing Carrots resources that can help you sing like the APO Hiking Society.

Technique Tips

  1. Develop your head voice - APO Hiking Society's vocal harmony heavily uses falsetto and head voice. To develop your head voice, you can try the Vocal Range Test and Pitch Training on Singing Carrots.

  2. Practice pitch accuracy - APO Hiking Society's melodies often have complex and intricate harmonies, so practice pitch accuracy by using the Pitch Accuracy Test on Singing Carrots.

  3. Experiment with vocal registers - APO Hiking Society's vocal style showcases a variety of vocal registers, from light and airy to powerful and belted. Learn how to manipulate your voice registers by checking out Singing Carrots' articles and exercises on voice registers, voice breaks, chest voice, mixed voice, and vocal distortion.

  4. Improve your breath support - APO Hiking Society's vocal style is marked by long and sustained notes, which require good breath support. Singing Carrots has articles on breathing basics and breath support that can help you develop this important skill.

  5. Open your mouth and throat - APO Hiking Society's vocal style is characterized by clear and precise enunciation, which can be achieved by opening your mouth and throat while singing. Singing Carrots has an article on opening your mouth and throat while singing that can guide you towards mastering this technique.

Song Choices

To showcase your newly-found APO Hiking Society singing skills, here are some songs to try:

  • "Batang-bata Ka Pa"
  • "Ewan"
  • "Nakapagtataka"
  • "Panalangin"
  • "When I Met You"
  • "Yakap sa Dilim"

Singing Carrots Resources

To further develop your APO Hiking Society singing skills, here are some Singing Carrots resources that you can use:

By using Singing Carrots' resources and following the techniques outlined above, you can channel the unique vocal style of the APO Hiking Society and sing their songs with confidence and skill. Remember to practice regularly, experiment with different techniques, and have fun while doing it!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.