Did Meduza feat. Dermot Kennedy take singing lessons?

Singing journey: Meduza feat. Dermot Kennedy

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Unlocking the Vocals: Meduza feat. Dermot Kennedy

Meduza, the sensational Italian production trio, has taken the electronic music world by storm, especially with their collaboration with Dermot Kennedy in the hit track "Paradise." Dermot Kennedy, an Irish singer-songwriter and musician, is known for his captivating voice and emotive lyrics. While Meduza brings electronic and dance elements, Kennedy adds depth with his robust and heartfelt vocal performance. How did Dermot Kennedy refine his singing abilities, and can you learn something from his journey?

Dermot Kennedy's Singing Journey

Dermot Kennedy has always been passionate about music, but specifics about formal singing lessons or coaches in his early career are not widely documented. However, his articulate and emotionally charged performances suggest a natural talent finely honed through practice and self-education. This implies dedication to mastering one's craft can be as crucial as formal training.

Achieve Similar Vocal Mastery

To sing like Dermot Kennedy, focus on breathing basics and breath support, essential for power and control in singing. Emotion plays a significant role in his performances, so integrating the lessons from singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking into your practice could be beneficial.

To improve pitch accuracy, a challenge many face, utilize the Pitch accuracy test. Also, the Vocal range test can help you understand your vocal capabilities, allowing you to select songs that suit your range, much like Kennedy's choice to utilize his profound and emotional vocal resonance.

Tools for Your Journey

For those looking to embark on a similar vocal journey, Singing Carrots offers a plethora of resources. Begin with our Pitch Training to sharpen your pitch accuracy and explore our articles on various singing techniques and health tips. Furthermore, understanding your artist vocal range can significantly impact your song choice and performance style.


While Dermot Kennedy's path to vocal prowess might seem shrouded in mystery, it's clear that dedication, practice, and emotional authenticity play critical roles. By utilizing the tools and resources available on Singing Carrots, you too can embark on a journey toward vocal excellence, perhaps finding your own "paradise" in music.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners