Did LP take singing lessons?

Singing journey: LP

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

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Mastering the Art of Singing: Lessons from LP

Renowned for her astounding vocal range and emotive performances, LP (Laura Pergolizzi) captivates audiences worldwide. While detailed accounts of LP's formal singing lessons or coaching are scarce, her musical journey is a testament to the power of diverse influences and self-taught dedication. To emulate LP's success, incorporating structured vocal training and exploring a variety of vocal styles can significantly enhance your abilities.

Embrace Diverse Musical Influences

LP's unique sound is not confined to one genre, blending rock, indie pop, and folk. Emulating LP requires an open mind and the willingness to experiment with different vocal techniques, from belting in rock to the softer nuances of indie and folk music.

Develop Your Vocal Range and Accuracy

LP's notable vocal range can be explored and potentially expanded using Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test. Moreover, refining your pitch accuracy, a crucial aspect of LP's singing, can be achieved through our Pitch Accuracy Test.

Strengthen Your Vocal Health

Consistent performances and recordings demand excellent vocal health. LP's enduring vocal stamina and clarity can be mimicked by adopting a rigorous vocal health regimen, including the tips found in our guide on vocal health.

Voice Training and Techniques

To capture the emotional depth and technical versatility in LP's performances, consider integrating Pitch Training into your routine. This includes exercises for twang, growling, and vibrato, all elements present in LP's dynamic vocal delivery.

Find Your Own Voice

While LP may not have widely publicized her journey with traditional singing lessons or coaching, her path emphasizes the importance of finding and honing one's authentic voice. This journey is deeply personal yet can be nurtured by resources like finding your authentic voice.


LP’s meteoric rise in the music industry, characterized by her unique style and vocal prowess, is truly inspiring. Aspiring singers can learn significantly from her approach, blending self-discipline with a passion for experimentation. By utilizing Singing Carrots’ tools and resources, you can embark on a journey to improve your singing skills, potentially mirroring LP’s captivating performance abilities.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners