Data-Driven Singing Self Study - Singing Carrots

Singing Training for people who trust Science, Data, and Numbers

Pitch, vocal range, and rhythm improvement exercises packed into an interactive game.

Proven to work by data from our 95797 successful users.

vocal range test illustration

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Taking lessons is cool!

🎢 Many teachers love Singing Carrots!

🌟 It's perfect for extra practice between lessons.

Wonderful! It's great that you're looking for a teacher! 🌟

Our most successful users take weekly or bi-weekly lessons and practice 3-4 days a week on our site. Unfortunately, all our vocal coaches are currently fully booked. Would you like us to contact you when a spot becomes available? πŸ“ž

You're in a πŸ€— safe space!

- Practice at your own pace! 🎢

- Singing self-study = no judgment. πŸ™…

We have a special offer for teachers and schools!

Would you like to schedule a call with us to learn more?

No worries, we've got you covered! 😊

Singing isn’t just about studying and practiceβ€”it’s about having fun! 🎢 Our vocal range database offers access to thousands of famous artists, helping you find songs that fit your voice from over 75,000 titles!

Here’s a special offer just for you! πŸŽ‰

You're not alone on this journey! We've helped many singers achieve their goals!

Helped me join my first choir!

Thanks for the great the service! I really enjoyed my time with singing carrots and I still recommend it to my friends. The tools gave me the confidence to sing in front of others and join my first ever choir!

What would you like to improve about your singing? (Check all that apply)

Join 95797🎀 singers who have improved their voice with Singing Carrots!

βœ… 95% of our users who practice regularly at least 2 times a week increase their vocal range by 2 notes within the first 5 weeks of practice.

βœ… 82% of those regulars who start with average pitch accuracy below 60% increase their accuracy by 10% within the first 3 weeks.

Do you often finish what you start?

Thanks for being honest! Here's a testimonial from one of our users who kept trying!

Singing Improvement in 1 month after 10 years of trying

I have been struggling for many years trying to learn to sing... I've spent so much money and time on singing courses and vocal coaches to no avail... I finally gave up. After over 10 years of learning, I figured maybe this wasn't for me. I randomly found this website on Google... I subscribed and wow! After a month of dedicating 15 to 30 mins a day, my singing has drastically improved. Seeing the notes visually vs. hearing them without knowing what I was hitting is a game changer... I currently have to slow down the scales to around .70 whereas when I started, I was at .40/.50. I still have a long way to go, but it's insane how much of a difference using the tools on this site has made... I 100% recommend this site. My pitch has improved, and although my tuning is still progressing, I'm no longer feeling strain, and my resonance and vibrato have significantly improved. Thank you Singing Carrots!

Adjusting the plan based on your specific needs... πŸ“βœ¨

Are you looking to master a particular song or melody? 🎢

Adjusting the plan based on your specific needs... πŸ“βœ¨

Do you need to sing on demos or recordings? 🎀

Bill also records demos and has a testimonial for you!

I'm a songwriter and music producer

I'm a songwriter and music producer. I started using Singing Carrots to improve my vocal performance on demos, and I feel it has improved my abilities to hit pitches, as well as boosting my confidence in my voice overall. It's fun and easy to do every day. I can't recommend it enough.

Just a few more questions - almost there, don’t give up! πŸŽ‰

Are you preparing for an important event?

Do you compose songs?

Analyzing profiles similar to yours...

Last question!

Professional vocal training programs often last around 3 months. In your experience, what do you think a typical 3-month vocal training program costs?

We predict you'll see improvement in

πŸ•’ 3 months!

Based on our data from users with similar traits, we expect you to improve significantly after 3 months of practice! 🌟

Your special personalized deal is ready! πŸŽ‰

And our training doesn't cost a fortune. πŸ˜‰

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This is not just another online singing course

Every online singing course promises to make you a great singer.

But will they tell you how long it will take for you to achieve your goals? How much practice will be required? Will they provide actionable feedback along the way? Will they help you objectively track your progress as you learn?

Will they even be able to tell you what your current level is and how you can set a realistic goal?

I am an engineer who wanted to learn singing and was not satisfied with the vague answers like β€œIt depends” and β€œEveryone is different”. I also didn’t buy into catchy, magic-pill promises such as β€œBecome a Great Singer in 30 Days,” knowing that mastering any skill requires time and effort.

So, with my 15 years of experience working in Big Tech IT companies, I hired voice trainers, data scientists, and user experience experts. Together, we started building a place where you can practice your singing and have fun, but in a smart way that leads to tangible results.

After years of experiments and learning from trial and error, we created Singing Carrots. Here, practicing for 20 minutes a day for 5 weeks gives you a 95% chance to expand your range by 2 notes.


You can not improve what you can not measure

This is why our tools provide immediate feedback by visualizing your voice on our interactive piano.


A simplified version of this is available for free through our Vocal Pitch Monitor & Singing Accuracy Test.

The extended version allows you to practice singing with preset exercises prepared by our vocal coaches. You can record yourself, listen to your performance again, and practice your own pieces and songs.

Progress over time

We also offer a free vocal range test. Each time you take the test, we record your results, allowing you to track your progress over time on an interactive dashboard. This test records your highest and lowest notes, making it a good starting point to assess your range.

For a deeper insight into how your voice evolves, we offer a detailed pitch accuracy chart for our Pitch Training users. Here, there’s no need for a test. Simply follow your regular practice routine. We capture every note you sing and plot all the notes on a scale, so you can see how every part of your range develops over time. It looks like this:


Who is this training for?

Singing Carrots is ideal for helping with:

  • Intonation: If you want to learn to sing in tune, improve your musical ear, master general intonation, or tackle it in some particular musical piece, song, or melody.
  • Vocal Range: If you're looking to expand your voice range or become more comfortable singing in a specific part of it.
  • Rhythm: If you aim to improve your ability to hit the notes on tempo.
  • Tracking Progress: For all of the above, we offer a dashboard where you can monitor how much you practice and observe how your range and pitch accuracy evolve.
  • Singing Theory Basics: If you want to understand the basic concepts behind singing, like how breathing is connected to singing or which postures to choose, without delving deep into the intricacies of music theory.
  • Audition & Karaoke: If you're looking to find songs that suit your particular voice.

Is it for beginners or advanced singers?

Most of our successful customers are amateurs. Our tools are excellent for those who are starting out and aim to go from 0 to 1 in singing. They are also a great assistant for people engaged in recreational singing, such as participating in choirs, singing at karaoke, or performing in musical theater.

While we do have users who are professional singers, they primarily use our tools for teaching others or in scenarios where singing is a secondary occupation (e.g., professional guitarists singing along with their guitar, or professional actors performing occasional musical parts).

Some of our typical customers:

  • Carlos, a guitarist who's expanding his skills into vocals to complement his performances.
  • Aisha, preparing for her big audition, working to refine her singing abilities.
  • Hiroshi, recently retired, who's discovering the joy of singing as a fulfilling new hobby.
  • Sarah, active in her church choir, seeking to enhance her vocal talents for her community.
  • Lei, an electronic music producer, recording his own vocals for innovative demo tracks.
  • Chloe, a high school student perfecting her singing for the school band's upcoming concerts.
  • Rachel, an office worker, who enjoys karaoke nights with her colleagues every Friday.
  • David, a songwriter, eager to perform and share his heartfelt songs with friends and family.

What we DO NOT help with:

We do not teach classical music theory, clefs, notes, or intervals.

We do not teach sight reading.

We do not assist in preparing for exams.

We do not have the tools to help you work on specific techniques affecting your timbre, such as twang, growling, screaming, whispering, etc.


How long will it take to get better and how much do I have to practice?

To be more specific, we can break down the elements needed to improve your singing into two main categories: awareness and muscle training.

Awareness-related aspects involve your listening abilities and the sensations you notice within your body. You develop these by listening to recordings of your singing and analyzing them. Once you become aware of a particular aspect, such as understanding the difference between higher and lower notes, it becomes ingrained knowledge. This could boost your singing skill to a new level in just one day.

Our data shows that most significant insights are caught within the first 2 weeks of regularly listening to voice recordings coupled with pitch visualization (a feature available in our Pitch Training game for Pro Members in the Practice Mode).

The other aspect is training your singing muscles. Practicing singing is somewhat akin to going to the gym. Doing it once a month might only boost your ego :)

You need to practice a minimum of 2 times a week to see any results. Practicing 3 to 5 times a week is optimal.

95% of our users who practice regularly at least 2 times a week increase their vocal range by 2 notes within the first 5 weeks.

82% of regulars who start with an average pitch accuracy below 60% improve their accuracy by 10% within the first 3 weeks.

In simpler terms:

If you are an absolute beginner and frequently miss notes, you will see significant improvements within 1 month of regular practice.

If your intonation and tempo are stable across your working range, you will need at least 1-2 months to start seeing improvements in your vocal range extension. The further you progress, the slower the process will be.


Singing Carrots vs. Hiring a Teacher

We do not recommend directly comparing these options. Singing Carrots cannot replace a teacher, nor is it our intention to do so. We believe the most effective way to use our tools is in conjunction with visiting a teacher 2-4 times a month, using Singing Carrots as a supplementary practice tool at home.

In fact, many teachers are already incorporating Singing Carrots into their teaching practice.

For those singers who do not have access to a coach, or simply prefer to self-study for various reasons, we provide an opportunity to practice effectively and save money.

Can I learn to sing if I’m tone-deaf or lack talent?

Yes, it is very highly likely.

Various studies concur that about 97% of the world's population can learn to carry a tune. The remaining 3% includes individuals with various illnesses and age-related issues. If you are healthy, success in singing is mainly about dedicating time to practice.

Regarding talent, it's actually a myth that innate talent is necessary to learn to sing. What does 'talent' even mean? While it’s true that some people may learn faster than others due to biological predispositions, and might possess an unusual timbre, these factors do not prevent anyone from learning to hold notes and blend their voice pleasantly into almost any harmony.

Is Singing Carrots Free?

We offer some basic features of our website for free, such as a vocal range test, singing accuracy test, voice pitch monitor, and singing theory lessons. This allows you to try our tools and get a sense of how the paid experience will be.

Our most affordable plan starts at the price of a cup of coffee, and the most expensive one is comparable to a good dinner per month. It’s roughly 4-5 times less expensive than hiring an average vocal coach.

As mentioned previously, our tools are most effective if you practice at least twice a week. Therefore, we believe the associated cost for such a commitment will be quite reasonable.

Log In to See The Prices

Do We Offer Discounts for Disadvantaged Groups?

Yes, we provide student discounts and purchase power parity adjustment discounts for individuals coming from other countries. Please reach out to support.

Explore our tools:

  • πŸ“ Find their vocal range;
  • 🎯 Test the precision of their singing pitch and rhythm;
  • πŸ’ͺ Practice singing in tune and in tempo. Interactive vocal exercises can be adjusted to any vocal range;
  • πŸ₯‡ Compete with each other and earn rewards for their practice;
  • πŸ“š Follow our educational singing course for beginners;
  • 🌐 Explore songs that fit their vocal range;
  • πŸ” Search for any song and compare their range with the range of the song; find in which key(s) they can sing that song;
  • ⭐ Look up the vocal ranges of famous artists;
  • πŸ““ Use the website as a notebook for their favorite songs, automatically attaching links to chords, lyrics, music notes, karaoke, and YouTube videos;
  • πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬ Record and analyse their singing voice with vocal pitch monitor and spectrogram recorder. Learn more about voice analysis here.
  • πŸ“Ί Watch our collection of vocal exercises, explainer videos, and tips

If you've read up to this point, it means you truly care about singing and share at least some of the ideas we've communicated through our product. To thank you for taking the time to read through this page until the end, we'd like to give you a small gift: a 10% discount coupon on all of our products. Click here to see the coupon.

I'd like to try it out. What's next?

Start from taking our sining test. It's free and will give you a good idea of how our tools work. If you like it, you can continue with our pitch training game.

Start Singing Test

I like it, but I don't have time to practice now.

No worries. You can sign up and start practicing whenever you have time. We'll be here for you. We occasionally run promotions and send out useful tips and tricks. If you'd like to stay in touch, just create an account and we'll keep you updated.

Warm regards & Never Stop Singing,

Sergey, Founder of Singing Carrots