Did Justin Bieber feat. BloodPop® take singing lessons?

Singing journey: Justin Bieber feat. BloodPop®

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

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Mastering the Art of Singing: Justin Bieber's Journey

Justin Bieber, a household name synonymous with a new age of pop music, embarked on his singing career at a tender age. Unlike many artists who undergo formal singing lessons from a young age, Bieber's raw talent was discovered through YouTube. However, as he soared to fame, the importance of refined singing techniques and vocal training became evident. To reach his full potential, Bieber worked closely with renowned vocal coach Jan Smith, affectionately known as "Mama Jan."

Bieber's dedication to improving his vocal prowess is a testament to the importance of having a skilled singing coach. Aside from technical guidance, Mama Jan provided emotional support, helping Bieber navigate the challenges of fame. This relationship highlights the dual role of a singing coach: as a mentor in both the technical and emotional aspects of a singing career.

Achieving a Justin Bieber-like Success

For aspiring singers looking to follow in Bieber's footsteps, incorporating structured singing lessons into your routine is invaluable. These lessons should focus not only on vocal techniques but also on emotional expression and performance skills.

Using tools like Singing Carrot's Vocal Range Test can offer insights into your unique vocal qualities, comparing them with artists like Bieber. Incorporating exercises tailored to your range, such as those provided by Singing Carrots, can significantly improve pitch accuracy and control.

To hone your craft further, immerse yourself in various singing methods. Understand the difference between Pop/Jazz and Classical singing, and explore contemporary vocal techniques such as Belting and Vocal Distortion. These skills can be cultivated by practicing exercises like the How to Twang Exercise and the How to Growl Exercise.

Maintaining vocal health is another cornerstone of a successful singing career. Commit to a routine that supports your voice and be conscientious of your vocal habits both on and off the stage.


Justin Bieber's journey from a young talent on YouTube to a global pop sensation underscores the importance of singing lessons, a dedicated vocal coach, and continuous practice. Aspiring singers can leverage resources like Singing Carrots to embark on a personalized path to vocal mastery, taking inspiration from Bieber's relentless pursuit of improvement.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners