Singing Guide: musiciscode

Singing Guide: musiciscode

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is a singer-songwriter known for her distinctive country-pop style. She has received numerous prestigious awards for her chart-topping hits. Some of her popular tracks are "Love Story," "Teardrops on My Guitar," "Mean," and many more. In this article, we will discuss how you can learn to sing like Taylor Swift and highlight some of her unique vocal techniques and songs showcasing them.

Developing Taylor Swift's Vocal Technique

Taylor Swift has a unique singing style that is a fusion of country, pop, and rock genres. Taylor's singing technique is characterized by her use of a bright, sweet, and clear tone. To sing like Taylor, you must develop a clear and open throat. This will allow you to reach high notes while maintaining a good tone.

Here are a few tips on how to develop Taylor Swift's vocal technique:

  • Breathing: Taylor Swift uses her breath to create a unique and breathy tone. Learn how to breathe correctly before singing. Practicing breathing exercises will help improve your breath control, allowing you to maintain a consistent and steady singing tone. This article on breathing basics will help you get started.
  • Open mouth and throat: An open mouth and throat help create better resonance and tone, and Taylor Swift is excellent at it. To achieve this, try yawning before singing. This article on opening the mouth and throat while singing will guide you further.
  • Voice registers and breaks: Taylor Swift typically uses a mixed voice technique blending head and chest voices, and she covers both registers comfortably. Therefore, mastering the voice registers and breaks is essential to sing like her. This article gives you an overview of voice registers and vocal break.
  • Pitch accuracy: To develop pitch accuracy, practice singing scales and arpeggios. The pitch training tool from Singing Carrots can help you improve pitch accuracy and accuracy in singing intervals.
  • Vibrato style: Taylor Swift uses a fast and narrow vibrato, which gives her singing a distinctive character. To develop vibrato like Taylor, it is essential to focus on relaxing your voice. You can try the singing with vibrato exercise to help you with this.

Taylor Swift's Songs and Suggestions

Taylor Swift's songs are the perfect way to practice singing like her. Here are a few suggestions:

  • "Love Story:" This song showcases Taylor Swift's singing style beautifully, from the breathy and delicate beginnings to the high and powerful chorus.
  • "Teardrops on my Guitar:" This song highlights Taylor's chest voice and range, which blends to create her unique sound.
  • "Wildest Dreams:" This song features Taylor Swift's ability to use her mixed voice technique to sing high notes with control.
  • "Mean:" This song shows how Taylor Swift can use her voice to convey emotion and attitude.

Singing Carrots also has a vocal range test, allowing you to compare your vocal range with that of Taylor Swift. You can also use this tool to find songs in your vocal range and genre preference, like those of Taylor Swift.


To learn how to sing like Taylor Swift, you need to master her vocal techniques and practice singing some of her popular songs. Remember to take care of your vocal cords by following healthy singing habits and avoid anything that could cause harm. With the help of tools like Singing Carrots, you can achieve your singing goals and impress your audience. Don't be afraid to experiment and add your style to Taylor Swift's unique sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.