Singing Guide: keshi

Singing Guide: keshi

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like keshi

Are you a fan of keshi and intrigued by his unique emotional vocals? Do you want to learn how to sing like him? Well, you have come to the right place! In this article, we will discuss keshi's vocal technique, his popular songs, and how you can improve your singing through practical advice and Singing Carrots resources.

keshi's Vocal Technique

keshi is known for his falsetto and emotional style of singing. He uses breathy and soft vocals to evoke emotions in his listeners. His throaty vocals set him apart from other singers, and the way he harmonizes with his production gives him an extra edge over other artists.

To sing like keshi, you need to work on your vocal range. keshi sings in a high range, and if you want to emulate him, you must practice extending your range. You can use the Vocal Range Test to help identify your vocal range and determine where you need to improve.

Another essential keshi vocal technique is breath control. You should practice breathing exercises, concentrating on extending your breath and delivering it consistently. The Farinelli Breathing exercise is great for improving breath control and is available on Singing Carrots.

keshi's Popular Songs

keshi has many popular songs, but some of his most famous ones include "Skeletons," "2 soon," and "blue."

"Skeletons" is known for its soft, emotional tone and gorgeous harmonies. "2 soon" demonstrates keshi's vocal ability to extend his range, and the use of falsetto adds to the song's emotional appeal. "blue" highlights keshi's excellent breath control and vocal dynamics.

If you want to emulate keshi, we recommend you start practicing these songs. You can find the song lyrics, sheet music, and karaoke versions on Singing Carrots' Songbook.

Practical Advice

Here are some practical tips for learning to sing like keshi:

  1. Warm-up: Before any singing session, warm-up your voice using exercises like humming. Singing Carrots has a 3 Minute Warm-up and Farinelli Breathing exercises that are useful.
  2. Posture: Good posture is critical to producing excellent sound quality. Ensure you keep your shoulders relaxed and stand or sit up straight.
  3. Learn onsets and offsets: Glottal onsets can help you add grit to your singing. Learn them with Singing Carrots' "Glottal Onset" video.
  4. Articulate: You can use the Finger Bite articulation exercise to help improve your clear and precise singing.

Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots provides tons of helpful resources to improve your singing ability:

Follow these tips, and use Singing Carrots' resources, and you'll be singing like keshi in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.