Singing Guide: Zucchero

Singing Guide: Zucchero

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn to sing like Zucchero, you’ll need to develop a range of vocal skills to emulate the raspy, soulful tone that he’s known for. Zucchero’s music combines a variety of genres, including blues, rock, pop, soul, and gospel, using his distinctive voice as a unifying factor. In this article, we’ll explore some practical tips, techniques, and Singing Carrots resources to help you start singing like Zucchero.

Voice analysis

Learning to analyze your own voice is a fundamental starting point for improving your singing. Start with this article to get started.

Vocal range

To sing like Zucchero, you need to have a strong and dynamic vocal range. Take the vocal range test on Singing Carrots to obtain an evaluation of your vocal range and work on increasing it with consistent practice.

Voice registers

Understanding your voice registers is essential for expanding your range and achieving a consistent vocal tone. Use this article as a starting point.


Breathing is the foundation of your voice, and it’s essential for maintaining control when singing. Learn some basic breathing techniques and breath support exercises to help develop your breath control.

Warm-up and posture

Accompany your breathing exercises with warming up and good posture. Try Farinelli breathing and humming as effective warm-ups to prepare your voice, and make use of the good singing posture video.


How you pronounce the lyrics is important for effective communication. Zucchero’s distinct voice comes from his unique way of articulating his words. Check out this article and give the finger bite exercise a try to improve your articulation.

Uplift your vocal skills with these GROWLING and TWANG exercises!

For Zucchero’s bluesy tracks, growling and twang are essential components of his vocal style. Use the How to Growl Exercise and the How to Twang Exercise videos to practice these techniques.

Vocal Distortion and Vibrato

Zucchero applies intentional vocal distortion and a rich vibrato to his performances to add depth and soulfulness. Check out this article to learn about different types of vocal distortion, and try singing along with Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce for vibrato practice.


Zucchero occasionally sings with a slightly nasal tone, for example, in his hit “Baila Morena.” Learn how to avoid sounding nasal with the Singing Carrots resource Stop Sounding Nasal, and use the Soft Palate video to improve your understanding of nasality.

Singing like Zucchero

Start learning some of Zucchero’s songs to practice his techniques. Try his soulful hit “Senza Una Donna” or his bluesy “Un Po' Di Zucchero.” Use

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.