Singing Guide: Yanni

Singing Guide: Yanni

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you ready to learn how to sing like Yanni? The Greek musician has a unique vocal style that blends pop, classical, and world music styles. In this article, I will guide you through the steps you need to take to develop your vocal skills and sound like Yanni.

Yanni's Technique

Yanni has a soothing and warm voice that captures his audience's attention. He achieves this through his use of vibrato, his control over dynamics, and his focus on breath support.

To emulate Yanni, start by mastering vibrato. Practice singing a note and adding vibrato to it, allowing your voice to vibrate up and down while holding the note. Remember to keep your breath support steady to avoid sounding shaky.

Next, work on your breath support. Yanni's vocals are steady and controlled, and this comes from his ability to control his breathing. Practice breathing from your diaphragm and using your abdominal muscles to support your voice as you sing.

Finally, focus on dynamics. Yanni's use of dynamics involves subtle changes in volume as he sings, helping to create a sense of movement and emotion in his music. Practice slowly increasing and decreasing your vocal volume as you sing to master this technique.

Yanni's Songs

To showcase Yanni's unique vocal style, I recommend listening to his popular songs, such as "Nostalgia," "In the Morning Light," and "One Man's Dream." These songs highlight his use of vibrato, breath support, and dynamics.

Singing Carrots Resources

To develop your vocal skills and learn more about Yanni's techniques, Singing Carrots offers a range of resources. For vibrato and breathing exercises, try the Beggar's Bounce and Farinelli Breathing videos.

To master dynamics and overall technique, explore Singing Carrots' singing course and pitch training exercises.

Lastly, if you're looking for songs to practice singing like Yanni, check out Singing Carrots' song search, where you can find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference.


Learning how to sing like Yanni is all about mastering vibrato, breath support, and dynamics while highlighting your unique vocal style. With the resources available at Singing Carrots, you can develop your skills and become a confident and skilled singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.