Singing Guide: XXXTentacion

Singing Guide: XXXTentacion

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

XXXTentacion was a popular American rapper, singer, and songwriter known for his unique voice, which was often described as raw and emotional. His music featured a blend of genres, including hip hop, rock, and R&B, and he emphasized the importance of authenticity in his songs.

If you want to learn how to sing like XXXTentacion, there are a few key elements to keep in mind. One of his signature techniques was his use of vocal fry, which is a creaky, low-pitched timbre that he often employed to add grit and emotion to his delivery. He also frequently employed screaming and yelling in his music, which can be a challenging technique to master without damaging your vocal cords.

To start developing your vocal fry, you may want to try some exercises like those found in Singing Carrots' pitch training. This program can help you develop better breath control and pitch accuracy, both of which are important when using vocal fry. You may also want to check out Singing Carrots' vocal range test to see where your voice falls on the spectrum. Once you have a better sense of your range, you can start experimenting with different delivery styles to find what works best for you.

Another important aspect of learning to sing like XXXTentacion is practicing with emotion and vulnerability. His music was often deeply personal and emotional, so it's important to tap into those feelings when you're delivering your own performances. Singing Carrots offers helpful articles on singing with emotion and finding your own authentic voice that may be useful in this regard. Additionally, Singing Carrots' song search feature can help you locate songs that match your vocal range and that allow you to express your emotions.

Ultimately, developing a singing style like XXXTentacion's requires practice and experimentation. Be patient with yourself as you work on new techniques and don't forget to have fun and let your emotions shine through in your performances!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.