Singing Guide: Woodkid

Singing Guide: Woodkid

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Woodkid and Develop His Vocal Technique

Yoann Lemoine, professionally known as Woodkid, is not only an exceptional musician, but also an accomplished director, producer, and designer. His unique baritone voice and perfectly crafted arrangements are what make his music so outstanding.

Learn to Control Your Voice with Breathing Basics

To emulate Woodkid's vocal technique, you need to master breath control. It is essential in order to sing phrases of long duration. Start with our educational singing course on pitch training to learn various breathing techniques and exercises properly. To get more experienced, you can also explore our article on breath support and learn to inhibit your diaphragm correctly.

Develop Chest Voice for Smooth Transitions

Woodkid's vocal technique relies heavily on his chest voice, which is why his transitions between different notes are so smooth. You can get a full understanding of chest voice in our voice registers article and learn how to expand your range with varied practice. You might need more challenging exercises to master this skill, so it's wise to explore our video on chest voice explained to amplify pitch and intensity from lower notes.

Study Vibrato to Bring Life to Your Performance

Woodkid frequently uses vibrato to add dynamism to his singing. Check out our article on singing with vibrato to learn the science behind this technique and exercises you can use to improve it. Also, practice with our videos of Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce for an intense vibrato.

Unleash Your Emotions with the Right Posture

Woodkid's intense and dramatic performances are partly created by his emotive singing style. To copy it, you need to find your true voice and develop an emotional connection to the songs you sing. It's essential to get the right posture to free up your lungs and diaphragm and sing more authentically. Our articles on how posture affects your singing and finding your own authentic voice will help you with this.

Resources from Singing Carrots

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.