Singing Guide: Wolfmother

Singing Guide: Wolfmother

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Wolfmother is an Australian rock band that started in 2000. Their music is heavily influenced by classic rock and hard rock bands from the '60s and '70s. They are known for their high-energy performances and powerful vocals backed up by catchy guitar riffs and driving drums.

To learn to sing like Wolfmother's lead singer Andrew Stockdale, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, work on developing a powerful belt. Stockdale is known for his ability to effortlessly sing high notes with a lot of power, so practicing your chest voice and building up your belt will be crucial.

Next, focus on your breath support. Good breath support allows you to sing with power and sustain notes for longer periods of time. This is particularly important in rock music, where holding out notes and singing with intensity is often a key part of the performance.

Another essential aspect of learning to sing like Stockdale is to work on your phrasing. He is known for his ability to create a sense of tension and release in his singing by playing with the rhythm of his phrases. Practicing this type of phrasing can help you take your vocals to the next level and bring a dynamic quality to your singing.

In terms of vocal technique, Wolfmother's music is relatively straightforward. However, they do occasionally use vibrato and falsetto to add extra color to their performances. Work on these techniques if you want to add a bit of variety to your singing style and add a more dramatic feel to your performances.

Finally, use the Singing Carrots resources to improve your skills. The pitch accuracy test is a great tool for improving your singing accuracy, and the pitch monitor can be used to track your progress. The vocal range test will help you determine your vocal range, and the pitch training program is perfect for improving your pitch and range.

Follow the links to the Singing Carrots articles and exercises to get more in-depth information and guidance on various aspects of singing and performance. Take advantage of these resources and stay committed to practicing and developing your voice, and you'll be singing like Andrew Stockdale in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.