Singing Guide: Winger

Singing Guide: Winger

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Winger is an American rock band formed in 1987. The band's frontman, Kip Winger, has a very unique and versatile vocal technique which combines elements of pop, rock, and classical music. His high-pitched, soaring vocals stood out in a genre known for its big voices.

One way to learn singing like Kip Winger is to practice proper breathing and support. A good starting point is Singing Carrots' article on breathing basics. This will help improve your ability to sustain notes and hit those high-pitched notes that Winger is known for. Kip has also emphasized the importance of opening your mouth and throat while singing to achieve the same high-range that he does. Check out this article on the topic.

Another key aspect of Kip Winger's technique is his use of vibrato. This technique can be learned by following Singing Carrots' singing with vibrato article. Additionally, practicing the Farinelli breathing technique - shown on the video section - will help develop your vibrato effect.

It's also important to have an understanding of voice registers and vocal breaks to help get the most out of your voice. This article on voice registers & vocal break illustrates this concept well. Also, learning how to apply chest voice properly will give you the powerful range that Winger is famed for. Check out "Chest Voice Explained" video on the video section above.

To see Winger's unique style in action, take a look at some of his famous songs. "Miles Away" showcases his ability to slide from high to low notes, while "Seventeen" demonstrates his impressive range and vibrato. Speaking of songs, you can find songs that match Kip Winger's vocal range by using Singing Carrots' song search tool.

Finally, the Singing Carrots vocal range test will help you determine your own vocal range and how it compares to Kip Winger's, which will give you a reference point when practicing. The vocal range test tool is a great place to start.

Incorporating the resources presented here, practicing regularly, and utilizing the right vocal techniques can help you learn how to sing like Kip Winger and improve your range and overall vocal abilities.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.