Singing Guide: Unspoken

Singing Guide: Unspoken

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Unspoken is an American Christian pop rock band composed of Chad Mattson on vocals and Jon Lowry on bass guitar and background vocals. Formed in 2007, the band has released six studio albums and several singles, including "Who You Are" and "Start A Fire."

If you want to learn singing like Chad Mattson, you have to work on breathing, pitch accuracy, and dynamics. Chad's unique vocal technique involves powerful and emotive performances that convey the message of the lyrics. Chad's signature style involves a breathy quality to his voice that blends seamlessly with the music's sound. To achieve a similar sound, you can focus on the following techniques:

  • Breathing: Breathing exercises can improve your vocal performance by increasing your lung capacity and breath support, which can help you achieve longer, more powerful notes. Check out Singing Carrots' blog article on breathing basics to learn more.
  • Pitch Accuracy: Pitch accuracy is a crucial component of singing. To improve, you can use Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test and then practice with the pitch visualizer in the pitch monitor tool. Work on singing scales and intervals to improve your muscle memory. Also, check out Singing Carrots' blog article on why singers sing out of pitch to fully understand the causes and how to avoid them.
  • Dynamics: Learning to use dynamics can elevate your singing and help you connect with your audience. Singing Carrots' course on singing theory covers dynamics and how to use them effectively.

Chad Mattson has a powerful voice, and his unique technique can be heard in several songs, some of which include:

  1. "Start A Fire"
  2. "Miracle"
  3. "Good Fight"
  4. "Broken Man"
  5. "Lift My Life Up"

In conclusion, if you want to sing like Chad Mattson, focus on breathing, pitch accuracy, and dynamics by using the Singing Carrots' resources mentioned above. Also, practice with Unspoken's music to emulate Chad's style and learn more about emotive singing.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.