Singing Guide: Toulouse

Singing Guide: Toulouse

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Toulouse?

Toulouse is a singer-songwriter from Los Angeles who is best known for his unique vocal tone and soulful delivery in tracks like "Reach Out" and "Hurtin'." His style is a blend of vintage R&B, jazz, and contemporary hip-hop, making his music a great place to start learning how to sing with character and versatility.

Warm-Up and Breathing Basics

Before diving into Toulouse's style, it's essential to establish good breath control and warm-up techniques. Singing Carrots offers an excellent Farinelli breathing exercise to strengthen your diaphragmatic muscles and vocal power.

Toulouse's Unique Vocal Technique

Toulouse's unique vocal style is hard to describe, but it can be characterized by a quirky, quavering delivery that emphasizes soulful expression over technical precision. He uses a lot of smooth runs, gliding slides, and breathy vocals to convey emotion in his songs. To sing like Toulouse, you need to learn how to convey emotions through your voice, experiment with inflections, and control your vocal dynamics. Learn more about voice control and vocal registers with Singing Carrots.

Songs to Showcase Toulouse's Style

To showcase Toulouse's style, sing his hit song "Reach Out." The falsetto vocals and layered harmonies in the chorus are quintessential Toulouse. Another great track to try is his song "Hurtin'," which features slow, sultry vocals that build in intensity as the song progresses.

Learning a Song Effectively

When learning Toulouse's songs, it's essential to focus on the lyrics to convey each song's emotion effectively. Here's Singing Carrots' guide to effectively learning a song.

Resources to Improve Your Vocal Range and Pitch Accuracy

To improve your vocal range and pitch accuracy, Singing Carrots offers Vocal Range Test and Pitch Accuracy Test. It provides you with instant feedback on your vocal range and pitch accuracy. Here are the links to the Vocal Range Test and Pitch Accuracy Test.

Resources to Improve Your Vocal Technique

Singing Carrots also offers vocal pitch monitors, great for visualizing your sung notes and staying in tune. It also has Pitch Training - an interactive singing game that helps with singing warm-ups, pitch and agility exercises. You can also learn contemporary vocal techniques like heavy modal, twang, and belting with Singing Carrots. Here are the links to Vocal Pitch Monitor and Pitch Training exercises.

Other Useful Resources

If you're interested in learning more about Singing Carrots, you can browse their song search engine to find songs that fit your vocal range and genre preference. If you want to explore the vocal ranges of famous singers, check out their Artist Vocal Ranges database, which includes over 5000 famous singers. Additionally, if you're new to singing, check out their educational singing course. It covers singing theory, practical tips, and has 21-lessons, suitable for beginners. Here are the links to Song Search, Artist Vocal Ranges, and Singing Course.


Learning to sing like Toulouse is all about capturing emotion and expression. With Singing Carrots' range of singing tools, exercises, and songs, you can hone your skills and add character to your voice, just like Toulouse.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.