Singing Guide: Thomas Fletcher

Singing Guide: Thomas Fletcher

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Thomas Fletcher is known for his beautiful and powerful vocals. In order to learn to sing like him, first, find your vocal range using our vocal range test so you can identify which of his songs are within your range. Then, practice breathing using Farinelli breathing exercises to strengthen your breath control.

Fletcher's unique vocal technique involves using his mixed voice to smoothly transition between registers, which can take some time to master. Learn more about mixed voice and voice breaks using our Voice Registers & Vocal Break article.

One of Thomas Fletcher’s most well-known songs is “Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd. This song is a great example of how his vocal range and method can be applied. Try practicing it with our Pitch Training exercises for agility and accuracy.

Another technique that you can work on when learning to sing like Thomas Fletcher is vibrato. Learn how to develop vibrato with our Singing with Vibrato article. Incorporate our Beggars Bounce exercise to get started.

Finally, posture and stage presence are important for a great performance. Follow our Good Singing Posture video to learn how to have the right stance and breathe efficiently. Watch our Relaxing Breath video for tips on how to calm down on stage.

Remember, it takes time and practice to develop your voice. Keep working on your technique using Singing Carrots' resources, and try to have fun with it!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.