Singing Guide: The Weeknd

Singing Guide: The Weeknd

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like The Weeknd

The Weeknd is a Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter who has captivated audiences worldwide with his unique vocal style. Known for his falsetto and soulful delivery, The Weeknd's music is characterized by emotional and raw lyrics that have touched millions of fans.

The Weeknd's Unique Vocal Technique

The Weeknd's unique vocal technique is a result of his falsetto, which he has mastered to give his songs a distinct sound and emotional range. His technique is based on his ability to effortlessly transition between chest voice and falsetto, which is something that many singers struggle with. In order to sing like The Weeknd, it's important to master this vocal technique by learning how to transition smoothly between your chest and head voice.

The Weeknd Songs to Practice

There are several songs by The Weeknd that showcase his unique vocal style. These songs are great for practicing and mastering his vocal technique:

It's important to find songs that you feel comfortable singing and that also allow you to stretch your vocal range and technique.

Practical Advice

If you want to sing like The Weeknd, here are some practical tips to keep in mind:

  • Master your falsetto technique by practicing transitioning smoothly between your chest and head voice.
  • Pay attention to your breathing and make sure you're breathing from your diaphragm.
  • Record yourself singing and listen back to identify areas of improvement.
  • Use Singing Carrots' resources such as the vocal range test and the pitch training to help improve your vocal abilities.

By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can learn to sing like The Weeknd and develop your own unique vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.