Singing Guide: The Rasmus

Singing Guide: The Rasmus

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Rasmus is a Finnish rock band with a unique sound and style. Their music has a powerful edge, and the lead singer, Lauri Ylönen, has a distinctive voice that sets them apart from other bands in the genre.

If you want to learn to sing like Lauri Ylönen, it's important to understand his unique vocal technique. He has a deep, resonant voice that often incorporates falsetto and a range of other singing techniques to create a hauntingly beautiful sound.

One of The Rasmus' most popular songs, "In the Shadows," showcases Ylönen's vocal range perfectly. The song features a blend of deep, brooding tones, and high falsetto notes that highlight Ylönen's ability to switch between registers seamlessly.

If you want to know how to sing like Lauri Ylönen, the first step is to take Singing Carrots' vocal range and accuracy tests to determine your starting point. From there, focus on exercises that will help you develop your falsetto voice, such as the Twang exercise.

It's also important to work on your breathing technique and breath support, utilizing the breathing basics and breath support articles on Singing Carrots. Practicing active and passive breathing techniques will help you achieve control over your voice and improve your overall singing performance.

In addition to the songs and exercises, Singing Carrots offers tools like the Vocal Pitch Monitor, which can help you fine-tune your singing and achieve perfect pitch. You can also use the site's song search feature to find other songs that match your vocal range and style preferences.

With practice and dedication, you can learn to sing like Lauri Ylönen, incorporating his signature vocal technique into your own unique style. Don't forget that Singing Carrots has a wealth of resources to help you along the way, including videos on chest voice and voice register, educational singing games like Pitch Training, and an entire course dedicated to helping beginners master the art of singing.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.