Singing Guide: The Lightning Seeds

Singing Guide: The Lightning Seeds

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Vocal Technique of Ian Broudie

Ian Broudie is known for his straightforward approach to singing. He uses the natural tone of his voice, and there are no flashy vibratos or excessive ornamentation. Instead, Ian's vocal style is understated and melodic. Ian's voice fits perfectly with the guitar-driven sound of The Lightning Seeds.

Songs to Showcase Ian Broudie's Vocal Technique

The following songs are excellent examples of Ian Broudie's unique vocal style:

  • Pure: Ian's delivery is confident and clear, and his melodic sense shines through.
  • Perfect: Ian's vocal delivery is restrained, which lends a sense of wistfulness to the song.
  • Sense: Ian's delivery in this song is more rhythmically focused than some of his other work, but maintains a gentle melodic quality.
  • Life of Riley: This song showcases Ian's ability to throw in a little falsetto for effect, while still maintaining a strong sense of melody.

Advice and Resources

In order to learn singing like Ian Broudie, you should focus on developing your sense of pitch and melody. You can use Singing Carrots' vocal range test and pitch accuracy test to help you. Additionally, Singing Carrots' pitch training exercises will help you develop the same ear for melody that Ian has.

When it comes to the actual mechanics of singing, Ian's approach is simple: sing from your natural tone and don't try to do too much. Focus on clean, clear delivery that emphasizes the melody and you will be well on your way to singing like Ian Broudie.

Singing Carrots' educational singing course is a great resource to help you develop your singing skills. Working through the lessons will help you build a solid foundation of singing knowledge, and give you the tools you need to develop your own unique vocal style.

Good luck on your journey of learning to sing like Ian Broudie.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.