Singing Guide: The Levellers

Singing Guide: The Levellers

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Levellers are an alternative rock band hailing from Brighton, England. They have been active since the late 1980s, gaining a loyal following for their socially conscious lyrics, energetic live performances, and unique blend of folk, punk, and rock sounds.

One of the standout aspects of The Levellers’ music is the dynamic vocal performance of lead singer Mark Chadwick. Chadwick’s voice possesses a raw, emotive quality that perfectly complements the band’s invigorating instrumentals. Learning to sing like Chadwick requires a certain level of vocal control, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

To begin, it’s important to focus on proper breathing techniques. The breathing basics article on Singing Carrots provides an excellent starting point. Chadwick’s powerful delivery relies on strong breath support and control. The Farinelli breathing video is a great tool for developing this skill.

In terms of vocal technique, Chadwick often delivers his lyrics with a sense of urgency and passion, sacrificing some degree of pitch accuracy for emotive effect. This is best exemplified in songs like “One Way” and “Liberty Song”. The article on vocal distortion and growling covers similar techniques.

For songs requiring greater pitch accuracy, Chadwick often relies on his chest voice, as shown in songs like “This Garden” and “Julie.” The article on chest voice and voice registers delves into this topic in more detail.

Moreover, Chadwick’s musical style features a lot of call and response singing, where he alternates between leading and joining in with backup vocals. This can be heard in songs like “The Likes of You and I” and “The Road.” Singing along to the Levellers’ music is an excellent way to develop this skill, as is the Singing Carrots’ vocal pitch monitor. Humming and articulation exercises can also be helpful in achieving consistency in pitch and tone.

Finally, The Levellers’ music is often characterized by a sense of community and shared experiences. Tips for stage fright and performing can be found on Singing Carrots. Vocal health is also important, as excessive strain on the voice can lead to vocal damage and loss of range. The article on vocal health outlines some best practices for maintaining the health of your voice.

In summary, singing like The Levellers’ Mark Chadwick requires a strong foundation in proper breathing and pitch control, as well as an ability to convey emotion and perform with confidence. With dedication and the resources provided by Singing Carrots, you can develop this unique and powerful vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.