Singing Guide: The Browns

Singing Guide: The Browns

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If You Want to Sing Like The Browns, Here's What You Need to Do

If you are looking to sing like The Browns, you are in luck! This talented sibling trio has a unique vocal style that includes tight harmonies and warm tones that blend together perfectly. Here are some tips and tricks for learning to sing like The Browns, along with some helpful resources from Singing Carrots:

Identify Your Voice Type

Before you start trying to replicate The Browns' style, it's important to identify your own voice type. This article from Singing Carrots will help you determine whether you are a soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, or bass.

Focus on Your Harmonies

One of the standout features of The Browns' music is their tight, flawless harmonies. To replicate this, you'll need to spend time practicing with others to learn to blend your voice with theirs. Singing along with The Browns' music can help you identify where your own harmonies should be placed.

Master Your Head and Chest Voice

To accurately replicate The Browns' sound, you'll need to master your head and chest voice. This video from Singing Carrots is a great starting point for learning how to utilize both.

Try Twang Technique

The Browns use a technique known as twang to add brightness and power to their vocals. Get started with twang technique by watching this Singing Carrots exercise.


When you're ready to take your singing skills to the next level, Singing Carrots has a variety of resources to help you along the way. Here are just a few that can be particularly helpful when trying to sing like The Browns:

By combining these resources with the tips and techniques outlined above, you'll be well on your way to singing like The Browns in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.