Singing Guide: Taeyang

Singing Guide: Taeyang

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

To sing like Taeyang, understanding his style and vocal range is crucial. Taeyang produces smooth and melodic music with a blend of R&B, Soul, and K-pop. Taeyang has a considerable vocal range, and if you're looking to sing like him, you need to improve your singing range by regularly breath training and practicing vocal exercises.

To help you, Singing Carrots offers a collection of practices that will help you improve your vocal range and pitch accuracy. Their vocal range test will also allow you to determine your range and identify areas that you need to work on to expand your vocal chords' range. Another helpful tool is the pitch accuracy test, which will help you improve your pitch skills and produce better sound while singing.

Some exercises that can be beneficial to developing your voice include breathing exercises such as Farinelli Breathing, which improves breath support, and vocal exercises like Twang Exercise or Growling Exercise, which develop your chest voice.

Once you have a good understanding of his vocal style, it's time to start practicing songs that Taeyang is known for, including "Eyes, Nose, Lips," "I Need a Girl" or "Wedding Dress." These songs are perfect for beginners because the vocals are not very challenging.

To help you learn these and similar songs effectively, Singing Carrots offers a handy guide on how to learn a song effectively. In addition, their collection of resources provides you with a song search feature that helps you find songs matching your voice range, difficulty, and genre preference. You can also search for songs in the Songbook. The Songbook provides lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio all in one place.

In summary, singing like Taeyang requires practice, persistence, and patience. Utilizing Singing Carrots resources such as vocal exercises, song search features, and the collection of articles, courses, and videos will help you improve and develop your voice, and achieve enhanced vocal proficiency. By following these practical tips and putting in the time and effort, you can improve your singing and start sounding like Taeyang in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.