Singing Guide: Sylvester

Singing Guide: Sylvester

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Sylvester: The Ultimate Guide

Sylvester James was an American disco and soul singer. He was known for his androgynous appearance and powerful vocals that captured the hearts of people around the world. If you want to sing like Sylvester, you need to understand his unique style and technique. In this guide, we will break down the essential elements of his singing style and provide you with practical advice and helpful Singing Carrots resources to help you achieve that Sylvester sound.

Understanding Sylvester's Style

Sylvester's impressive vocal range allowed him to sing in both the tenor and alto range. He was also known for his high-pitched screams and falsetto voice. For this reason, it is essential to develop both your lower and higher registers to sing like Sylvester.

Sylvester was also a master of phrasing and timing. He often used dramatic pauses between phrases to build suspense and excitement. He incorporated his signature falsetto screams as a way to accentuate his lyrics. To truly capture the essence of Sylvester's singing, it's important to focus on the dynamics of your voice and use them to your advantage.

Developing Your Range

Any singer who aspires to sing like Sylvester must have a vast vocal range. Begin by testing your range with this Vocal range test offered through Singing Carrots. You should also explore the platform's Pitch accuracy test and Vocal Pitch Monitor to help you fine-tune your voice.

To develop your vocal range, we recommend exploring Singing Carrots' Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game exercises. The site offers a range of exercises designed to improve your pitch accuracy and vocal agility. Consider starting with a 3 Minute Warm Up Video and the Farinelli Breathing Exercise to build breath support for your singing. You can also use Singing Carrots' Chest Voice Explained Video to develop your chest voice and Glottal Onset Video to learn how to sing with a healthy vocal onset.

Mastering Vocal Dynamics

Sylvester's style was characterized by his use of dramatic pauses, falsetto screams, and precise phrasing. You can practice mastering vocal dynamics by learning one of his most famous songs, "You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)". Break down each phrase of the song and focus on the dynamics used by Sylvester. You may need to use Articulation Tips to ensure clarity in your lyrics.

Another great resource to use is Singing Carrots' Singing with Vibrato Guide. Sylvester was known for adding vibrato to many of his songs, and this guide can help you add vibrato to your singing and add another level of excitement and authenticity.

Final Tips

To sing like Sylvester, you need to feel the music. His music was centered around love, freedom, and self-expression, which he portrayed through his powerful voice. Practice your breathing, range, and dynamics with the exercises provided by Singing Carrots. Explore the platform's vast Song Search to find songs that suit your range and style preferences. Once you've learned a song, take it to the stage, and don't forget to Overcome Stage Fright using the helpful tips from Singing Carrots' blog.

By emulating Sylvester's unique style and using Singing Carrots' practical tips and resources, you can improve your singing and develop a powerful voice just like him.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.