Singing Guide: Sweet Adeline
Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources
Sweet Adeline was an American Vaudevillian singer of yesteryear, often singing with a quartet. Her style was unique due to the ability to mix her sweet low range and then jump octaves with aplomb. If you want to learn how to sing like her, you need to master a few things.
- Firstly, take the vocal range test to determine your range.
- Secondly, to achieve the range jump that Sweet Adeline was famous for, you will need to master breath support by taking the breath support exercise video.
- A must-have singing skill is to learn how to control your voice like using onset and offset also explained in tutorial videos such as this one.
- Timing is another key aspect, which Sweet Adeline had in plenty. She was able to create a masterful flow to her music. The How to learn a song effectively article helps you with tips to improve your timing.
Adeline had a unique vocal technique, and you can learn some skills from the video tutorials. For example, one of her unique abilities was to jump octaves while singing, and this involves the masterful control of your vocal range, breath support, and the ability to switch vocal registers on the fly. You can learn more about these skills in the following tutorials:
In addition, Adeline's unique vocal style allowed her to achieve a sweet, distinctive sound, which was loved by many. To learn how to achieve this sound, we recommend the Resonance in Singing article and the Singing with Vibrato video. It's also important to focus on articulation while singing, and we strongly recommend the Articulation article to learn more.
As for songs to showcase Sweet Adeline's vocal technique, we recommend starting with these songs:
- "Sweet Adeline" by Henry W. Armstrong
- "Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet" by Stanley Murphy
By focusing on the above skills and using Singing Carrots' resources to improve your voice and singing techniques, you'll be well on your way to mastering the iconic and distinctive style of Sweet Adeline.