Singing Guide: Superchick

Singing Guide: Superchick

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Superchick is a female-fronted alternative rock band from the US known for its empowering and inspirational lyrics. Their lead vocalist Tricia Brock is also famous for her clear and dynamic vocals, which make them a great model for improving your singing skills. In this article, we will explore how to sing like Tricia Brock and what makes her vocal style stand out, along with some tips to improve your singing.

One of the most notable features of Tricia Brock's singing is her control over her voice. This control is especially evident in her vibrato, which is smooth and consistent throughout her vocal range. To achieve such control, it's essential to learn and practice vocal exercises that focus on breath control, pitch accuracy, and vocal control. Singing Carrots' Pitch Training course and Vocal Range Test can be very useful in this regard.

Another characteristic of Brock's singing is her ability to sing in different vocal registers. She often transitions between her chest voice and head voice, which gives her singing its unique texture. Mastering this skill can be challenging, but with the right techniques, it's achievable. Singing Carrots' Vocal Registers & Breaks and Mix Voice exercises can help you learn how to blend your head and chest voices smoothly.

Tricia Brock's singing style includes a lot of sustained notes and melodic runs, which requires good breath support. Proper breathing techniques are crucial to prevent your voice from becoming strained or running out of breath mid-song. Singing Carrots' Breathing Basics and Breath Support exercises can help you improve your breath control and increase your lung capacity.

Apart from having a clear singing voice and great control over her voice, Tricia Brock also has excellent articulation. Articulation is the ability to clearly pronounce words while singing, which is essential for conveying the meaning of the song to the audience. Singing Carrots' Articulation exercises can help you pronounce words more clearly and improve your diction.

In addition to these techniques, Tricia Brock's singing style also involves adding emotion and feeling to her singing. Singing with emotion requires being in the moment and being expressive with your voice while conveying the message of the song. Singing Carrots' Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking and Performing on Stage articles can help you improve your emotional connection to the song.

To sum up, to sing like Tricia Brock, it's essential to focus on breath control, vocal registers, articulation, and singing with emotion. To improve your skills, you can use Singing Carrots' Pitch Training, Vocal Registers & Breaks, Breathing Basics, Articulation, and Performing on Stage exercises. With time and practice, you can achieve the same level of clarity, control, and emotional expression in your singing as Tricia Brock.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.