Singing Guide: Stories

Singing Guide: Stories

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

For this article, we will focus on the vocal technique of Adele, the British singer-songwriter known for her soulful voice and emotional performances.

Adele's voice has been praised for its rich tone, control, and powerful delivery. Her unique vocal style is a combination of soul and pop, and learning to sing like her requires attention to breathing, resonance, and understanding of emotional expression in singing.

Breathing is the foundation of good singing, and Adele's technique involves taking deep breaths from the diaphragm to support her powerful delivery. Singers can learn breath support exercises through Singing Carrots' article on Breath Support.

Resonance is another key element of Adele's singing style. Her voice is full of warmth and depth, and singers can learn to achieve this resonance by opening their mouth and throat while singing, as explained in Singing Carrots' Open Mouth & Throat article.

Adele's emotional expression is another distinguishing feature of her singing style, and singers can learn to convey this emotion through practice and vocal techniques. Singing Carrots' article on How to Sing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking goes into more detail on this topic.

In terms of specific songs that showcase Adele's unique vocal style, "Someone Like You" and "Hello" are two great examples. Singers can find songs that match their vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference through Singing Carrots' Song Search tool.

Singers can also enhance their vocal range, pitch accuracy, and agility through Singing Carrots' Pitch Training exercises, while also learning from Adele's repertoire.

In conclusion, through understanding Adele's vocal technique and style, and using resources like Singing Carrots, singers can learn to develop their own unique voice while also harnessing the power of emotion and control that defines Adele's music.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.