Singing Guide: Squeeze

Singing Guide: Squeeze

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you looking to learn how to sing like Squeeze? Squeeze is a unique voice in the music industry, known for their distinct sound and style. In this article, we will provide you with practical advice and useful Singing Carrots resources to help you sing like Squeeze.

One of the defining characteristics of Squeeze's vocal style is their use of vocal fry. Vocal fry is produced by adding a growly and creaky quality to the voice. You can learn how to do this by trying the following exercises on Singing Carrots:

Another crucial aspect of Squeeze's vocal technique is the use of mixed voice, which allows them to sing effortlessly in their full range. You can improve your mixed voice by practicing exercises that focus on bridging your vocal registers, such as:

When it comes to Squeeze's songs, some great ones to practice that showcase their unique vocal style are "Tempted" and "Up The Junction". Apart from learning these songs, you can also use Singing Carrots' song search and find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

Other useful Singing Carrots resources that can help you capture Squeeze's style are the vocal range test and the pitch accuracy test. The vocal range test can help you determine your range and compare it to Squeeze's, while the pitch accuracy test can measure your accuracy and help you improve it.

To conclude, with the right resources and practice, you can learn how to sing like Squeeze. Incorporate these exercises and Singing Carrots resources into your daily practice routine, and soon you will be able to emulate their unique vocal style effortlessly.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.