Singing Guide: Softly

Singing Guide: Softly

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn to Sing Like Softly

Softly is an up-and-coming indie singer with a unique voice and style. Her mix of breathy falsetto and smooth vibrato sets her apart from others in the industry. In this article, we will explore Softly's vocal techniques and practical advice for learning how to sing like her. We will also highlight relevant Singing Carrots resources throughout.

Understanding Softly's Vocal Technique

Softly's vocal technique is characterized by her delicate delivery style that is both breathy and smooth. To achieve this, she emphasizes breath control and uses her diaphragm to regulate airflow. She also utilizes mixed voice registration, which allows her to transition seamlessly between chest and head voice. This lends to her ability to maintain her airy, falsetto style even in the lower registers.

Talking about Softly's delivery, we also have to note that she uses vibrato liberally in her singing. Vibrato is produced through a rapid variation in pitch and adds a natural, organic quality to Softly's voice. She also uses twang, a vocal technique characterized by a bright, piercing sound that amplifies the resonance of the voice, which contributes to her distinctive delivery style.

Vocal Exercises to Develop Softly's Technique

To develop Softly's signature vocal style, start by taking the vocal range test on Singing Carrots to assess your vocal range. Softly's vocal range is in the alto to soprano range, so if your range is in this range, you can work on developing your breath control by trying the Farinelli Breathing Technique.

To work on mixed voice registration, try the Chest Voice Explained video from Singing Carrots. The video teaches you how to find and strengthen your chest voice, allowing you to blend it with your head voice for the mixed voice.

To develop vibrato and twang, check out the Singing Carrots Beggars Bounce and How to Twang Exercise videos, respectively. These exercises teach you how to incorporate these unique vocal techniques into your singing and replicate Softly's airy, breathy delivery.

Tips for Learning Songs like Softly

To learn songs like Softly, start by actively listening to her music and paying attention to her vocal delivery and emphasis on breath control. Use the Singing Carrots Search Songs by Vocal Range tool to find songs within your vocal range and Softly's that will allow you to practice her style of singing.

To learn a song effectively, try the tips outlined in the Singing Carrots How to Learn a Song Effectively article. These tips include analyzing the melody and lyrics, recording yourself singing, and practicing regularly.


Learning to sing like Softly requires a focus on breath control, mixed voice registration, vibrato, and twang. Singing Carrots offers a variety of resources, such as the vocal range test, breathing exercises, and educational singing games, to help you develop these techniques. Additionally, their song search tool and tips for learning a song effectively will aid in learning Softly's songs and other songs within your vocal range. With consistent practice and utilizing this guide and the relevant Singing Carrots resources, you'll be able to replicate Softly's unique voice and style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.