Singing Guide: Sing2Piano

Singing Guide: Sing2Piano

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Sing2Piano

Sing2Piano is a UK based singer, songwriter, and music producer. He started uploading his piano covers to YouTube in 2012 and quickly gained a massive following due to his high-quality covers of popular songs. By 2021, he has amassed over 2.5 million YouTube subscribers and over 250 million channel views.

If you are a fan of Sing2Piano, you would have been impressed with his ability to switch his vocal tone and adapt his acoustic style to the songs he is covering. Singing like this popular artist, therefore, requires some level of practice and attention to detail.

Identify Your Voice Type

The first thing you should do when learning to sing like Sing2Piano is determining your voice type. Knowing your vocal range is important when selecting the appropriate songs and vocal exercises to train with. You could take the Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test to get a baseline of your voice type and range.

Focus on Vocal Technique

As you focus on learning to sing like Sing2Piano, it is crucial to have a solid foundation in vocal technique. The Sing2Piano is known for his versatile vocal tone and style. Therefore, some areas to focus on would include breath support, voice registers, voice breaks, vibrato, and articulation. You can learn more about these techniques by checking this article Breathing Basics, Voice Registers & Vocal Break, Singing with Vibrato, and Articulation from the Singing Carrots blog.

Work on Songs with Similar Vocal Techniques

The next step in learning to sing like Sing2piano is to identify songs that showcase similar vocal techniques. Many artists perform covers of songs that fit their vocal styles- Sing2Piano is no different. You can find many of Sing2Piano’s covers on his YouTube channel or Vocal Ranges of famous singers on Singing Carrots.

Dive into Practice Materials

Finally, you should make use of quality practice materials. The Singing Carrots website offers many free tools and exercises such as the pitch accuracy test and the vocal pitch monitor. The Pitch Training page provides an educational singing game to help you improve your efficiency in pitch mastery.

The Singing Carrots Platform has a singing course with 21 lessons covering singing theory and practical tips that will help set you on the right path to achieving success


Although singing like Sing2Piano might seem daunting, with dedication and practice, it is possible. The most crucial factor in reaching your goals is to focus on your vocal technique, to practice consistently, and to use quality practice materials.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.