Singing Guide: Shura

Singing Guide: Shura

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Shura is a British singer-songwriter who has become known for her unique blend of 80s synthpop and contemporary R&B. Her signature sound is characterized by catchy hooks, smooth melodies, and dreamy atmospheres. In this article, we’ll provide you with tips, tricks, and Singing Carrots resources to learn how to sing like Shura.

Voice type and range

Shura’s voice is quite unique, with a high and breathy timbre. Her vocal range spans from around A3 to Eb5. If you’re looking to sing like her, it’s important to first determine your own voice type and range. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test that will help you discover your voice type and range, which you can then compare to those of famous singers in our database.

Breathing and posture

Breathing and posture are crucial for singing effectively. Shura’s breathy style requires mastering the art of active and passive breathing, as well as a good standing or sitting posture, so that your airflow is unobstructed. Singing Carrots has two articles dedicated to breathing basics: active and passive breathing and breath support and respiration. Additionally, you can find tips on how to improve your posture for singing in this article.

Voice registers and vocal break

Shura is known for her unique voice registers and vocal breaks. She stylishly mixes her chest voice with her falsetto, creating a seamless transition. Improving your voice registers and learning to transition between them without straining your voice is crucial to singing like Shura.

Articulation and resonance

Shura's lyrics and melodies are delivered with flawless diction. Her articulation is key to making her lyrics understandable, and her resonance is what makes her sound warm and inviting. You can improve your articulation with this article and learn all about resonance and how to maximize it in this article.

Vibrato and Twang

Shura occasionally employs vibrato and twang to add variety and dynamics to her music. If you want to incorporate these techniques to your own singing style, Singing Carrots offers exercises on how to twang and how to use vibrato.

Singing course and practice tools

If you’re just starting out or looking to improve your singing skills, Singing Carrots offers a comprehensive singing course that covers everything from music theory to practice exercises. For additional practice, you can use Singing Carrots’ pitch accuracy test, vocal pitch monitor, and pitch training game. To find songs suitable to your vocal range and preferences, you can use our song search tool.


Singing like Shura requires mastering breathy vocals, transiting between voice registers, having good articulation and resonance, and using various techniques like vibrato and twang. By using Singing Carrots’ resources and solutions, you can improve your singing skills and put them into practice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.